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Faceclaim is Violet Evergarden

[BC]"Even when our eyes are closed, there is a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams... A wise man once told me that. "

[C]*~Alexa Moro
[C]*~Alex, Al, Lexa, Mo
[C]*~October 17th XXXX
[C]*~To create and destroy things with an equal sacrifice or value

[C]*~Sunlight and moonlight equally
[C]*~Fall, as in the season
[C]*~Humans who are evil without cause
[C]*~She fears losing her family the most, but there are also smaller fears like a fear of darkness and large crowds.
[BC]Soft Spot:
[C]*~Baby animals to be honest. Mostly kittens or puppies.


[C]~Good Traits~
[C]*~She won't immediately judge you for what other people say
[C]*~She is patient

[C]~Bad Traits~
[C]*~She is far too trusting
[C]*~She can be seen as naive

[C]*~She has scars on her shoulders where her automail connects to her body.
[C]*~Nothing besides when she had lost her arms. But she has automail now.

[C]*~She has no need to draw the transmutation circle any more for..... Reasons she would prefer to keep to herself.
[C]*~She can play piano pretty well
[C]*~Alexa can fight alright
[C]*~She loves to go for walks
[BC]Pain Tolerance:
[BC]Leadership Skills:

[BC]"Being a girl doesn't hamper your ability to fight, nor does it greaten it. If you truly want something and work for it, your gender shouldn't matter."

[C]*~Her mother never really had any problems with Alexa, being a good mother for all of Alexa's childhood. She supported her daughters decision to become a full fledged alchemist, and congratulated her when she was successful.
[C]*~Alexa grew up not really knowing her father. She had seen pictures of him before, but whenever she asked about him, her mother would always avoid the question so she assumed that he wasn't a good guy.
[C]*~She doesn't fully know if she has any siblings as she doesnt know if her father had any more kids
[C]*~It depends on who is her personal enemies
[C]*~None at the moment but she is open
[C]*~None. Though if she could, she would have an entire zoo of pets.

[BC]Clothing Style:
[C]*~As shown in the picture most generally

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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