two: work

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You woke up hearing birds chirping outside your window making you groan softly. Slowly opening your eyes you checked your alarm clock and saw that your alarm was about to go off in about 5 minutes.

Dismissing the alarm you got out of bed and did your morning routine like every other morning. Once you were done and fully clothed, you had something light to eat.

Grabbing your coat and keys, slipping your phone in your pocket,you headed out the door. Getting inside the car, starting up the engine and drove off to work.

HH(Hybrid Haven)

You parked into your reserved spot and got out the car. Entering the building you greeted by hybrids and humans and greeted back before walking into your office.

Turning on the light and putting your coat and keys on the coat hanger, closing the door behind you and set your phone on your desk as you sat down. Turning on your computer you saw that your work was saved from last time and continued on working on it.


Hearing a soft knock come from your door made you stop typing, "Come in" You said before the typing continued. The door opened revealing your assistant, Mr. Kim. You smiled a but seeing him holding Chinese takeout as he entered, closing the door behind him he made his way to the lounge area you had in your office.

"Ah thank you Jin hyung" You said making your way to the lounge area. "It's fine. I knew you would work on your lunch break" Seokjin said making you feel a bit guilty. "Can't help it" You said sitting down.

You both began eating and talking until a certain topic came up. "It's quite surprising hyung" You said taking taking a sip of your water. "Hm? And that is..?" Seokjin said.

"It's surprising how you didn't lose your voice from all that noise you were making in private bathroom with Namjoon hyung yesterday" You casually said, taking another sip of your drink.

Seokjin choked on his chicken, coughing he quickly chugged down some water. His face was red as he looked at you. "Did.. Anyone else hear?" Seokjin asked softly making you laugh a little.

"So.. Does your ass hurt?" You jokingly asked. Seokjin tch'ed softly and smacked your arm harshly. "Ouchie"" Don't make me create you a Tinder account " Seokjin said making you pout. "Anything but that, hyung I promise never to bully you again" You said making him chuckle softly.


"Okay, Felix you're all better and so is you too Kyungsoo. So, no more rough housing okay?" The two fox hybrids nodded before you gave them the signal to leave as they grinned and took off.

You chuckled softly seeing them run off to go back playing with their friends. You headed back to your office. Grabbing your stuff, you turned off the light and exited the room. Bidding goodbye to your coworkers and the hybrids you exited the building.


Pulling up in the driveway smilling a bit. Turning off the engine you got out the car, humming a soft tone. Walking up to the front door your smile dropped as you saw a box in front of your door. 'I don't remember ordering something' You said in your head.

You picked up the box carefully, unlocking the door with one hand, entering and closing the door behind you. Locking the front door before heading to the kitchen and set the box on the kitchen island.

Opening it, the site of what was in the box made your stomach churn. Three cats were curled up next to each other in the box. Quickly thinking, you carefully made your way to your room with the box in your arms.

Grabbing a fluffy blanket and heating pad, you placed it on your bed, you carefully placed the three sleeping cats on the cover, not caring if it got dirty. The heating pad under the blanket made the blanket warm.

Seeing them get comfortable with feeling the heat made you smile softly at the scene.


While you were in the shower, the three kittens began to slowly wake up. Noticing that they weren't in a box any more and was now on a warm blanket made them confused for a second before they heard a shower running.

It soon stopped and the door opened making them on edge feeling scared, they got closer to each other. You saw them and threw your hands up in a defensive manner. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you" You said softly.

You were fully clothed in your pj's and slowly made your way to the scared kittens. You crouched in front of your bed and held out your hand. "I'm not a threat, I promise" You said softly. The orange tabby hesitantly made its way up to you and sniffes your hand.

You smiled at the action and just let him sniff your hand. The orange tabby soon nudged his head on your hand. You took it as a sign and slowly started petting him. Hearing a soft purr from him made you chuckle softly.

The blonde cat slowly made its way up to you, meowing softly, you extended your other hand letting him sniff it. And for the same thing, the blonde cat let you pet him.

You looked at the black cat, seeing that it was already staring at you made you smile a little at him. "Do you.. Want to be petted too?" You asked softly. The black cat glared at you and curled back into a ball, going to sleep.

'At least he's not hissing at me'

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