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Elsa: Ok, before I say the dare, I need two volunteers because I wanna build a snowman.

Alyssa: I volunteer!

Hans: I do too!

Elsa: Ok, Alyssa you have to slap Hans because I wanna build a snowman.


Alyssa: YEEEEES!

*le slaps Hans*

Boom shacalaca!

Kitty: Sweet! Wait, where's Anna?

Kristoff: Anna's gonna be off for a few weeks to take care of the baby until Riley is old enough to bottle feed and they can get a nanny.

Alyssa and Kitty: NOOOOOOO!

Elsa: Yeah, it's pretty disappointing because I wanna build a snowman.

Anywho, see you next time ooooon....


Elsa: (Because I wanna build a snowman!)

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