Chapter Four

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       As the last bell signals the dismissal of class, Nagumi waited for Hikari to finish packing her bag. She walks up to Serei and informed the latter that they needed to quickly go to the gymnasium to meet up with their older friend, Maria, who is also Hikari’s new coach.

Hikari will take part on the integrated volleyball league that will happen on the summer while Nagumi and Serei will accompany Kiyoko as assistant managers to the rowdy bunch of Karasuno Volleyball team. There are only two girls that will join the official line up, and they are all hoping to every god up there that their dear friend, Hikari, will be picked.

With her towering height, Hikari finally fixed her stuff and is now clumsily putting on trainer shoes while trying to do a tight ponytail on her long raven hair. Serei quickly grab a hold of Hikari’s arm and drag her all the way to the gymnasium, with Nagumi beside her.

Maria run towards the gymnasium, but wasn’t able to find him. She quickly caught sight of her younger friends and speed walked to them.

“Am I really a bad person to all of you?” She suddenly ask the oblivious girl, Serei, nervously biting her lower lip as she tries to compose herself.

Serei’s eyes widen at the sudden question, before frantically shaking her head, “No, Mari-chan!”

“You’re not a bad person but sometimes you act crazy-“, Hikari happily answers her question but stop because she was hit on her head by a folder that Maria was holding.

“Even though I’m in this frantic mood, it still doesn’t give you the right to disrespect me.” Maria teases Hikari, but suddenly got serious once again and informed the trio that she needs to do something quick and runs away from them.

Coincidentally, said boy was also looking for his gray-eyed beauty, hoping to apologize for what had happened at the cafeteria. He already passed by their office, but was stopped when Nagumi informed him how Maria ran out of the gymnasium, in a desperate attempt to find him quickly.

Keishin couldn’t help but smile, thinking that maybe his efforts were not in vain. With a snap of his fingers, he quickly shouted to everyone in the gymnasium that he will be back in an hour, and to continue to warm up.

The boys and Hikari can only shout at him to go, before he finally took off.

Keishin just wanted to see Maria and apologize for being a jerk. He just wanted her to smile again.

Keishin increased his pace as soon as the Bar & Grill came in his view. Carefully opening the door, his eyes scanned around the place before black eyes locked with gray eyes that made his heart beat fast even to this day.

The same gray eyes that made him feel the whole zoo in his stomach.

The same gray eyes that haunted him in his dreams.

It was the eyes of Irene Maria.

The tall girl released a sigh of relief, finally found the person she was looking for. Her eyes raked his figure and a giggle escaped her lips, making Keishin’s heart beat erratically.

Maria walked towards him and leans forward, not noticing the blush on the boy’s face. She laughed once she took in his appearance with his blonde hair spiked up in different directions. Hand slowly raising up to his head, Maria lets her fingers softly fix his hair.

“Look how messed up your hair looks, Kei-kun.” She teases him, like how she did back when they were kids. Underneath her fingers, Keishin’s eyes widened before a blush covered his cheeks once more.

“Shut up.”

Maria laughed but continued her actions. With his eyes looking up, Keishin watches her, transfixed by the beautiful girl in front of him. Without hesitation, he finally said it.

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