Chapter Two

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Coopers Cemetery January 11th, 2018 2:32am

The cemetery was eerie and dark. It was perfect to cast a curse on that skank and asshole of a fiancé of mine. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. This wasn't the life I was supposed to live. We were going to get married, have babies and live happily ever after. That was the plan. And now it's all ruined. I was angry.


I was pissed!

And pissing off a witch was the last thing you wanted to do!

I stopped beneath a tree and pulled a small box from my bag that I kept for on the go spells. Inside the oak box was a few candles, some matches, some chants I wrote down and a knife. I also kept a few photos in an envelope of people close to me for quick spells. I pulled a wallet size picture of Greg from the envelope and stared at it. I wanted to burst into tears looking at his face. I remember taking this photo. His smile was so beautiful. It was the day he asked me to marry him. I was so in love with everything about this man. He was my rock in this world.

I pulled another picture from the envelope. Trisha Norburn. She was a man's dream woman. Complete with the fake boobs. She had been fighting for Greg's attention for years but he was never interested. At least I thought he wasn't. I was wrong and they both were gonna pay.

I sat down under the tree and grabbed a candle, lighting it with the match and picking up my knife. Putting the candle in front of me, I grabbed the picture first of Trisha with my left hand and held the knife in my right. My jaw clenched as I closed my eyes and re-lived the scene in my head. Walking in to my apartment, coming home from a night out with friends, I had hung my coat up on the hook I normally did. Her moans were the first to catch my attention. The sound of pleasure as she grinded on top of my fiancé in my bed. She got louder and I knew before I opened the door...I knew what I was walking in on.

The anger was overwhelming. My hand tightened on the knife. I imagined myself taking that knife and slitting her throat as she bounced on him. I opened my eyes and slid the blade of the knife through the flame of the candle. I opened my mouth to recite the words to the curse when a white light flashed in front of my eyes, blinding me. "Stop!" A voice echoed softly in my ear. Instantly I knew what it was.

"They deserve this!" I said through clenched teeth. The tears began to fall again.

"Don't do this. Nevaeh, you're better than this. You will do something you will regret. Please." I tried protesting through the sobs but eventually dropped the picture and knife. I felt alone. My hopes and dreams were crashing down around me. I built the dream life in these last few months. What was I supposed to do now? "You're not alone, Nevaeh. I'm here to help you. You are strong."

I spent the next few hours sobbing under the tree, shivering against the cold. I couldn't go back and face him. Would she still be there? Would he come out and look for me? I had left my phone back at the apartment so calling someone to come get me was out of the question. I knew I was going to have to go back. At least to get some things gathered to stay at my parents. Finally, I gathered enough courage to start my walk home. Each step closer was agony and my inner self kept screaming for me to run the other way.

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