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the cumulus clouds roam above me in the beautiful blue sky
with their misleading fluffy appearance
whiter than the whitest snow
the grass below is stretching upward to reach them
and the tiny leafy plants are blowing in the light breeze
they feel soft and display an abundance of life
their vibrant green color is a testament to their health
the trees around me are brown
awaiting summer
when the sun shines like this every day
spreading her rays and providing heat to the people on earth, including myself
for i feel her warmth on my jeans
one tree outshines the others
with its long branches and thick trunk
one glance makes me think about climbing it
alas i decline that idea, continuing my poem
the rocks remain firm on the ground
their texture quite rough
composed of complex minerals
is there a meaning to this place?
is there a purpose for these things? these specks of grass? these leafy plants?
perhaps there is, perhaps there's not
nature doesn't mind
for nature possesses no soul
and only exists to survive

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