Book bound we are!

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Returning to the libary after visiting Angel and Faith's appartment they set about to research the events of the soon coming end of the world, Again! Buffy and Faith sat next to each other, holding hands under the table. While Oz and Willow sat next to each other aswell discussing there plans for the next week end. Giles sat with the one he loves aka his mass collection of books. Angel had appeared once the dark had fallen and was also helping out with the research but also spent a long time looking over at the one he loved and her new girlfriend. 

"ah, AH, i've found it!" Giles piped up breaking the silence that had fallen over the libary. 

"What?" The whole scoobies gang said in unison. 

"Just what we've been looking for the whole time!  It was written in 1790 and it predicts the rise  of the apitaph. its a snake like creature, very smart from what i can make out of this extract." "well Giles, what do we do? how do we kill it?" "From the sources we've got its a beheading and fire that kills it. we will have to do a stake out and wait for it to rise." "come on everyone, go home, get blankets and a flask of something and weapons and we will go on a stake out." "where are we meeting? giles where is this apitaph going to rise?" Willow asked the question everyone was thinking. "well thats the part im not sure of this book is very old and has clearly seen its use, the writting has faded. bear with me one moment." 

Giles wonder off back into his office. He got out a magnifying glass and put on his table spotlight. He studied the document hard trying to figure out what was written. Finally, he saw what the words said,*but humm, thats strange, that cant be right, no, no it cant be!*

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