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Isabella never could remember much about her younger days, as it had been many years ago, but she always got this glimpse of a woman's face when she really sat down and concentrated. She had asked her father about it before, and gotten the response of, 'You don't need to worry about it'.

Of course Isabella was going to worry about it, especially after being told that! She wanted to find out who the woman was, and so she searched her fathers libraries for any and all information that she could dig up on the mysterious woman. She didn't expect to actually find anything, but she found just the opposite of nothing... She found everything about the woman that she wanted to know, and even some things that she didn't know she wanted to know.

As it turns out, the woman was- is, Isabellas birth mother. Something her father never cared to tell her, or maybe he cared too much to tell her. Isabella could never really tell with him of it was affection that caused him to do the things he did, or if it was spite. Either way, she didn't like it.

Of course, the discovery of her mother caused her to leaf through more books, thinking that maybe there would be more information on her newfound mother, and while there was plenty of who she was whilst in the castle with Isabella and her father, there was little otherwise. No history of her, and no updates as to where she may have gone. This made Isabella wonder, did she run away, or simply die and her father was too distraught to write it down? Either way, Isabella knew one thing for certain. She was going to find her mother, even if she had to spend her whole life doing so. She wanted to know the womans reasons behind leaving, was her father the reason Isabellas mother left? Or did she simply not want the responsibility that came with having a child?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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