The Greedy Gorilla

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There was once a big gorilla! All he liked to do was... Eat. If you had food near him , PEW! It's gone! Even if it doesn't taste that nice he whips it.

One day there was a huge cake. It was Paul the Parrot's birthday cake . But there was only one peice left .
"Let's take on bite each!" Suggested Mike the Moneky. Everyone agreed with him , they also agreed Gorilla would go first to take a bite.
Gorilla picked it up , he licked his lips with joy , he tried really hard to have one bite , unfortunately he couldn't help hisself and ate the whole slice.
Everyone was upset with him , that very day he lost five friends.

Gorilla had learnt his lesson , never be greedy. Other animals don't have food that much , so share and everyone is happy. He apologised to all his friends. That day he shared ALL his food with everyone.

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