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Another day of your alarm screaming, or so you thought. Your phone was on your bedside table going wild. You took it in your hands and realised it was a call.

Caller ID:

You answered without hesitation. Your sleepy voice greeting the caller. "Y/n! For fuck sakes it's 7:30 and I'm waiting for you!" He complained to you. That's when you actually took the time to look at the time (pun intended). It really was 7:30AM. Your heart dropped and you quickly suffered a goodbye and ran to your closet. You picked out a hoodie that would hide your arms well. Along with those were black jeans and black shoes. Yes, you did always look like a mafia, but it didn't bother you. It bothered others though. After dressing up, you didn't eat breakfast cause you were in a hurry. You rushed through the door and locked it. You did grab all of your belonging and approached Hoseok.

"About time!" He complained again, nudging at your arm. He then giggled and pointed to your untied shoe. "You know you could've tripped over that?" He said. You sighed and bent down to tie it. "Yes, I know. Mom." You said. When the lace was tied, you stood up again and you both started walking to school. You did receive numerous death glares that were pointed towards you. "Y/N!" You heard Hoseok hell and then you felt your body being pulled to the sidewalk. It took you moments to realise you walked into the road. "Y/n! You little shit! You could've gotten hit!" He said as he hugged you from behind tightly. "I'm sorry.." you murmured quietly. After a few sighs were let out, you both continued to walk to school. Hoseok wanted to switch places with you, in fear that you would walk out into the road again.

After a good few minutes you were standing in front of the school gate. You landed one door on the modern tiles of the entrance and felt thousands of stares at you. You put on your I don't give a fuck face and walked to your locker. Your locker was two lockers away from Hoseoks, so you didn't have to climb to another floor to get to it.

After you got your books you went to your first class which was math. Hoseok walked infront of you and held the door for you. You walked by and sat down without saying a thing. "Not even a thank you?" He asked putting his hands on his waist. You chuckled at the sight. "No..." you said trying to hold back your laughter. You loved it when he was whetting annoyed. You found it so cute, that you could pinch his cheeks until they were blue.  He sat down next to you and slammed his book down loudly which caused you to flinch.

Moments after that you put on your Despair face and ignored the screaming bell. It was now time for another one fo your teachers boring math talk, which you as always ignored. Hoseok started to notice that your facial expression changed from smiley to Despair. "Hey, dont he sad again!" He said as he tickled your side. You covered your mouth trying not to laugh. He seemed to be enjoying it and so were you.

"Y/N!" You heard your name being yelled infront of the whole class. You flinched and Hoseok returned to his normal sitting position. "Miss, do you mind being quiet for once?!" Your teacher started going wild at you. You really wanted to throw up the middle finger, but knew that it would lead to worse consequences. You let down your head in Despair. All of this attention was killing you. All the stares seemed to melt through you and stab your heart. Like having a shit life isn't enough.

The time passed by slowly, but finally the bell roared to life again and everyone started running out of class.
You took your time to pack everything.
Hoseok did wait patiently, until you dropped your pencil. "Sorry..." you muttered obviously ashamed. You knew that you were getting on his nerves, but didn't do anything about it and that's what killed you the most.



This is an original idea (for once)

I might sound like a bitch, but k.
Yall don't know how much time it took to make that cover 😭😭😭


-743 words-

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