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The boy knew why his parents never talked, why they acted so different when they thought he wasn't listening. Little did they know, the boy always was. He didn't have very many friends; all the other children where scared of him. It wasn't that he was a bad kid, he wasn't, but his power was a threat on its own. He tried his best to control it, but his control slipped. A lot. He'd once accidentally set fire to the library, simply by sneezing.
With each year passing by, the boy grew lonelier, and lonelier. The more he isolated himself, the more he lost control. The only person he'd consider to be his friend would be his mother, but even then, they weren't so close.
He would've said something, would've done whatever he could, if he knew it was coming.
There was no stopping it.
His mother insisted on taking the front lines to raid the Water Region; she never returned.
The fight was brutal. There were many fatalities, on both sides. It had been days, before the Water Region finally surrendered.
The Fire Nation (hehe avatar) has been dominant over the kingdoms ever since (I just realized how similar this is to avatar whoOops).
The boys name was Keith.
And he wanted nothing more, than to escape this sick, twisted world.

A/N: well my friend, if you're still reading, congrats, you didn't get bored in those two hundred and some-odd words. Lemme know if you like where this is going so far.

Also this isn't proof read because I'm a lazy person.

I've never seen avatar, so shush. I plan on watching it don't worry.

Thanks for reading this fam jam. I really appreciate it.

Leave comments because I love reading them

Have fun with your sad lives my little wumberloops
^^idk where that came from but this is a long A/N so BAIIII <3

Obsidian (Voltron Klance AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora