Chapter 1

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By now, Keith had almost full control on his powers. His Sealing was coming soon. The day the gods decided if he was worthy of the gift of eternal life. Keith wasn't scared that he wasn't worthy, but he feared he was. He wanted no part in this. He wanted to run, to hide.
It was no use. Even if he tried, the guards would catch him, and return him to his father.
He hated his father.
Hated him for letting mom go to the battle field.
Hated him for not going with her.
Hated him... simply because he could.
The Fire Elves were not people you mess with, yet Keith could care less if someone parades him with questions about his pointed ears, and sharpened senses.
Keith sighed, and swiped his long hair out of his face. He was bored out of his mind.
Maybe... just maybe he could...
No that was stupid.
His Sealing was tomorrow.
He didn't want to go.
Keith got up from his seat by the window, and headed towards the stairwell.
Down he went.
Until he reached his quiet place.
Usually people would be in their quiet place all the time, but not Keith.
He simply walked right to the other side of the dampened stone room, and lifted a painting off the wall, to reveal a doorway, which he walked through of course, covering the hole with the painting.
The tunnel twisted and turned. Left, right, up, and down, until he finally reached a small trap door in the ceiling. He swung it open, and was immediately blinded by the glaring sunlight.
He hoisted himself out of the tunnel, forcing piles of dirt into the pit. He closed the door, making sure to cover it with dirt and leaves, and carried on with his journey.
He had no clue what he was doing.
Wandering, he supposed.
Looking for something, but he didn't know what.
He strolled through the surrounding forest, stopping occasionally to take in the sun.
He heard the roar of a river off in the distance, and decided to follow it.
He soon came across a large lake, with a wide river leading into it.
Perfectly content with his discovery, he walked to the rocky shore, and planted his buttox down.
He stared at the water for a while.
And then he saw it.
A light blue glimmer, moving excitedly though the water.
Keith leaned forward, trying to get a better look.
He stood up, and walked into the water, so his knees where almost engulfed.
That's when he realized, the excited blue glimmer, was more than that.
It was a boy.
Well, a half boy.
Keith picked up a rock, and chucked it at the boy.
It plunked into the water, no where to be seen.
Moments later, the glimmer guy emerged slightly from the water, holding the stone, eyes curious.
The boy approached Keith, looking anxious, but curious nonetheless.
He swam as close to the shore as he could, and Keith waded closer.
The boy was close enough to punch if he wanted to.
That's when he spoke.
"Hello." His voice, it was beautiful. That one singular word, made Keith's heart sing. The sun hit the boys face perfectly, so that the sparkly scales on his cheeks were almost blinding.
The boy had sun kissed skin, although Keith didn't know how, since he lived in the water. His eyes where as deep as the ocean, his face as bright as day. His ears where pointed, just like Keith's. His hair was a chocolate, curly brown.
"Uh... are you gonna say something?" questioned the boy. Keith jumped out of his train of thought, realizing he had been staring, and fidgeted with his sleeve.
"I'm... I'm Keith," he stammered.
The boy seemed to be pondering something, before saying: "The name's Lance," while pointing at Keith with two finger guns. Keith just rolled his eyes, and splashed some water at him. Lance melodramatically gasped, placing a hand in his chest as if someone had just shot him, before swishing his tail – yeah you heard that tail – through the water, creating a large wave, drenching Keith, making him yelp in surprise.
"Hey!" He shouted, "No fair!" He started to summon flame, in attempt to dry up any incoming waves, before Lance shrieked in terror.
Keith stopped immediately.

A/N: 726 words. Nice. uH I kinda stopped it there because I wasn't feeling it, but I'll write the next chapter soon I promise. I literally have no life so there's no excuse for me to not update.

Have a fun, dull, life my little wumberloops

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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