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35 11 13

On this day, the end of the world began. Chaos hit the streets, and all hell broke lose on earth. We didn't think it was possible, but that's exactly why we weren't ready for it. We were stupid, and we didn't see it coming. We had too much faith, too much trust in the government, and that was our downfall.

     "What have we done ...?" they asked each other. "How did we manage to screw this up so badly?"

What we thought an apocalypse would look like took an unexpected turn. Yes, when I say 'apocalypse', I mean zombie outbreak. A very contagious virus that spreads fast, and doesn't just effect the human race, but animals and insects too. The virus kills you, but not completely. You turn into something else, something that craves the taste of flesh, but is never full or satisfied. It walks the earth as a corpse. Crossing paths with the infected never ends well, and the infected are no longer the people we once knew ... remember that.

Mosquitoes became the main problem, because they fed off the corpses and would then moved on to the living, carrying the virus with them. Somehow, the mosquitoes were never effected by the infected, which gave what was left of humanity their first bit of hope for creating a cure.

     "Just stay alive ..." they told us, staring at us with wide, round, fear filled eyes. "Please ... I know it's hard, but you must stay alive."

Life was never meant to be easy. Failure and success, pain and pleasure, death and realisation (not resurrection), are challenges we must face in order to grow stronger, to grow wiser, and to help us become more capable when we need to reface hell in the future. Experience, knowledge and imagination are the most important things one can obtain, because without it, we have no chance of surviving.

I made a promise to myself on this day, that I would fight until my last breath, and that I wouldn't regret a thing, because at the end of the day, at least I was fighting for something. I would have fought to stay alive. I would have fought for a reason to keep going. I will keep fighting, and it will give people hope. When the world seems helpless, and the sky grows dark, when the fire goes cold, and the light burns out ... hope is all we need to keep going, and I will sacrifice everything just to make sure that the people have a reason to keep hoping.

Many of us will die, and there's no doubt about it. Only a few of us will make it out alive, and they will be the ones who would have remained dedicated, strong at heart, and of course, hopeful. The best way to remain alive is to have something in your life that's worth dying for. I already know what I'm going to live and fight for ... hope.

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