Chapter 7

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"Nae, Daya, and Bells, I need you," I said as they followed me to my villa making sure Tom or Paddy didn't follow. "So, which outfit?" I asked as they looked at the outfits I laid out on the bed. "Here why don't we this?" Monae spoke up. Then took a light pink dress with a cut-out design from one of the outfits laid out. Then Daya off white oversized knit cardigan from another outfit then Bells took a pair of strappy sandals from the last outfit.

"You basically combined all three outfits into one," I giggled a bit. "It's cute, isn't it? Daya go get the flower crown," Then Daya left the room and came back with a flower crown with pink and white small roses. Bells was brushing my hair while Daya braided a few pieces and Monae picked out their outfits and took out my bag of makeup. "Thank you," I said. "You know we gotchu," Monae said fixing her hair.


"Where's Elena?" I heard from outside the villa. "I'm coming," I said back then I went over to the mirror to check my hair and my makeup which was light and glowy. "Okay okay, I'm here," I said going out the door of the villa, locking the door and rushed down the stairs but I tripped up a bit and almost fell off the last step. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the sand but felt arms around me instead. I opened them to see Tom looking down at me chuckling and helped me stand up straight.

"Always tripping on your feet," He said making me blush in embarrassment. "I'm sorry I'm clumsy," I laughed. "Don't worry, I'll always be here to catch you," He replied making me blush even more. "Alright flirt later, because I'm hungry," Hiddleston said as I remembered why we're all dressed up. "Right, come on," I said leading the group to the party area. I then lead them to our table. Tom waited until everyone was seated and it just so happens the empty seat was next to me, I looked to Robert who was across from me and he smirked. I then looked to the others around the table and they smirked at me as well, they all deliberately made sure Tom would have no choice but to sit next to me.

"Hello everyone, how are you tonight?" I heard my tita Ruby say and I turn my head to see her in a white wide-legged sleeveless jumpsuit and champagne colored pumps. "Hungry?" She asked as the area erupted in cheers. "Don't worry, food is coming out real soon, first we a Filipino dish that I made..." She continued telling the people what food we're going to eat as the kitchen staff came and put the clay pots in front of the people. "What you do with this is take the wooden hammer and hit it once and the food is ready to eat once you take the pot pieces out of course," She laughed and demonstrated.

Everyone did what she did and broke open the pot and took the broken pieces out of the food."This is so good," Monae said taking a bite of the food. "I remember when we had these enclosed pots for your mum's death anniversary after the mass," Tom commented taking the broken pieces out of the now broken pot. "Yeah, nay used to love making these with Tita," I said taking a bite. "Do you know how to make these?"Jeremy asked. "Yeah, nay used to teach Bells and I how to make them," I answered. "I'm sorry, I didn't ask earlier but what is your actual name?" Seb asked Bells who was playing around with Angelo. "What? Oh, I'm sorry, it's Maribella," She answered.

"Then why does Elena call you Bells?" Chris asked. "It's a nickname that she's always called me. She told me that when I was learning how to speak and learning how to say my name, I would say Maribells instead of Maribella. And I used to love making noise and irritating people with bells," She laughed. "You don't mind if we call you Bella do you?" Elizabeth asked. "No, not at all," Bells answered.


"Alright, now we're going to play a game, and it's a couples game so now we're gonna need team of two," Tita said as her staff placed a huge stack of old newspapers on the table near her. Then people and their partners went to the stage. "Guys go up," Monae said pulling me up while Justin pulled Tom up and forced us on the stage. "Now you're going to get newspapers once you get it, open it up and lay it flat on the ground," She added as people did what she instructed as Tom and I did too. "When the music starts you have to dance outside of the newspaper and when the music stops both people have to be on or within the newspaper and the newspaper gets folded after every round," She said as everyone nodded. She nodded over to the DJ as he started to play some dance music and I did a little two-step with Tom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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