classy pt.1

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"I don't really pay attention to that actually but sure, id take classy over pinky." I answered Stan. I took a gulp out of my shake.

"I'm a bit hungry Niall, would you like any fries or something?"

"Oh don't sweat it, I'll get 'em" he handed me money but I refused and handed it back. I formed myself in line, "Oh shit!" I forgot to ask what he wanted! "Oh my god I'm terribly sorry!" a sweet girl told me when she spilled her shake on me.

"No it's fine" I assured her while removing her hands from trying to dry up the wet spot on my white tee.

"Oh" I extended my hand out for her to shake"im niall!", she shook it so, I don't know, oh so good and felt as if our hands were made for each other, as if a bee just found pollen, as if a caterpillar just got it's wings, as if the wind pushed the boat, so angelic like she told me,

"And I'm Ariana"

"Here let me but you a new shake"

she let go of my hand "You don't really have to, I wasn't even going to finish it because of of colossal they serve them here"

"No but I want to."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt"

She agreed and we made our way back to the line.

"So Ariana, how old are you?"

"I'm 20 how about yourself?" she asked so curious

"I'm 21 actually" she nodded in amazement.

"Are you from Ireland?" she asked so suddenly.

"Yes, why?" I told her

"Your accent is so cool and impressive"

"I'd say so myself" I agreed.

The line moved up, but not to where it was our turn, so I tried to keep a conversation.

"So what do you like to do? other than spill milkshakes on random people in line?"

She chuckled "Well I guess singing and writing songs."

"You sing?" I asked shocked not expecting her to say that.

"Yes, I get that a lot. people think I'm a bit too shy for me to be singing but when it comes to it, it's like I'm sitting in a cloud and there's no one to tell me I'm wrong or how to do it."

"I'd say the same"

"You sing as well?!"


"Cool oh my!"

"Seems like you were right about class!" Stan walked up from behind me. "Holy shit! oh my god I forgot! I'm so sorry! I'll get the fries right now!"

"No it's fine Ni, I'll just go grab something with Harry, I'll see you later"

"Thanks." I turned back to Ariana who was texting. She put it back into her kitty head shaped purse. She was so classy and cute. She wore a slightly white pastel perulium dress and some cat faced flats. Her ombré hair with half of it in a tan hair tie,

"NIALL"she zoned me out


"It's your turn in line"

"Oi!" I stepped up towards the ordering window.

"I'll have an, erm,"

I turned to Ariana "is strawberry fine?"

"Sure" I turned back to the fine man who stood in the cashier "make it two strawberry shakes please"

"Sure, 4.76 please." I handed him the money and he handed me two shakes.

"Here ya' are" I handed her her shake

"Thanks Niall"

"We should sit on that table before someone else does" I said pointing to a booth, she agreed and we made our way to the booth.

"So Ariana would you mind telling me about your music?" i set my milkshake down as she finished slurpping hers

"Not at all! Well Im really into classy and vintagey music so i tried to incorporate..." Her beauty zoned me out from her beautiful self talking. She is such a beaut. She looked like an angel sitting on a cloud sipping a milkshake, like "So how about yours?" shit, what the hell is she talking about? "Mine?"

"Your songs duh!" she smiled answering me.

"Oh! Of course! Well its a bit of modern pop and im in a band actually."

"Thats so cool! Whats your band's name?"

"One Direction"

"That's such a lovely name oh my god! Does it have a story behind it?"

"Well if you call trying not to be called 'Niall and the Potatoes' a story behind our band's name, then no. But we all really found the name peachy."

"How many of you are there in the band?"


"Charming all i guess?"

"Yes very much actually! Best lads in te' world"

"I'd love to meet them!"

"I'd be more than delighted to introduce you to them!"

"Is Saturday okay with you?"

"Any day but Saturday, I had the guts to ask for an appointment for Republic Records."

"Woah! Thats crazy!"

"You think so?"

"not in a bad way, its just that my band is auditioning for the X Factor on Sunday. And the crazy thing is that we just bumped into eachother and we learned that we both write songs and now were both auditioning for something that can possibly change our lives for ever."

She took out her phone which had a kitten case and a worried look appeared on her face.

"I have to get going now!"

she grabbed her bag and headed towards the door

"Wait! Can i get your number at least?" I asked handing her my phone. She said nothing and typed in her number. She then fixed hwer hair and twisted it a bit and opened the camera to set her picture on her contact. She handed me my phone back and ran out of the shop "SEE YOU SOON!" she shouted while making her way into her Range Rover. I nodded in agreement and made my way back into the little shop, my phone in my hand. I sighed, I sipped my shake. "Ariana" i repeated in my head. I could say her name for the rest of my life. Such a beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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