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I miss the sound of your voice. I hear your laugh in all these empty places.

I don't know why I always took you back. Maybe I thought my love was enough to keep us together. There was always this voice in my head that believed you. That always saw the good in you. There is and always will be a part of me that cares.

I let you ruin my favorite songs, movies, places but most importantly me.

You did not ruin my life but loving you did.

I hate you for giving upon us again, for hurting me, for making me cry, for not being there when I needed you the most, for not supporting me, for ruining everything, most of all, for making me love you so much without actually doing anything. I let you go and I don't know what to do with all this love. What should I do with it? Whom should I give it to? Should I keep it to myself?

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