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April 29th

DeMarcus and I took a drive on the highway to talk about life, I enjoyed our talks because it ensured that we wouldn't drift apart like some siblings. I was blessed to have a good relationship with my brother, one where we could discuss anything. I think we both needed that.

Today was a very important day. The final verdict in the Rodney King trial would be announced in a couple hours. I was really hoping that justice would provail but I wasn't about to get my hopes up. Knowing this city, anything could happen. Like I said, people in Los Angeles were fed up. Too many times injustices took place and nothing was done about it, I sensed today wouldn't be any different.

Hours later we flipped on the television and saw chaos on Florence and Normandie. Full blown rioting just hours after the acquittal of the four officers. As we glanced at our television we observed people, neighbors, friends, and family destroying the city. Although you could argue these people had reached their limit, destroying your home wasn't going to bring justice. On the TV they showed dozens of Korean store owners defending their businesses and livelihoods with weapons of all sorts. It was quite the scene. People running around stealing and killing each other, it was clear these riots were no longer about Mr. King. Me and DeMarcus gave everything but a fuck, we wanted to see for ourselves.

"You wanna go down there?" Asked DeMarcus.

"Yeah why not."

After a short walk we were at the epicentre of the madness. Faint gunshots were heard in the background of a nearby convenience store, we looked in every direction in search of the noise. A short oddly dressed Korean man stepped before us, he looked at us closely and in broken English asked us what we were doing. He noticed me glancing at the Beretta he had in his left hand and gave me a bad eye.

"We're not doing anything," DeMarcus exclaimed.

"GO!" said the Korean man.

I couldn't blame the guy, people were robbing and looting left right and centre. He was defending his home. The man would rather be killed than let his livelihood be over ran by evil. The best decision was to just leave and let the man be, we didn't want any unnecessary trouble. We were simply two idiots who had nothing else to do. We left the area, DeMarcus noticed a store up ahead that appeared to be vacant. The doors to the store were left wide open, it was an electronics store that had an assortment of expensive items. Seeing the doors open came as a surprise. Especially now. It felt like a trap, one that appeared too good to be true. We walked closer to the building and through the glass window there wasn't a soul in sight.

"Lets raid this bitch, no ones around!" Only DeMarcus would think to do something so stupid in a time like this.

"Are you fucking nuts! You really wanna add to this shit?" I was pretty irritated that my one and only brother would suggest such a thing.

"Oh fuck you. You know damn well you want that shit in there too."

DeMarcus felt like the snake in the tree from the bible telling Adam to eat the fruit, and in this case I was Adam.

"Yeah maybe, but I also have self control," I said.

DeMarcus shoved me out of the way and proceeded into the store. I stood outside waiting for this fucking maniac to hurry up, he did some rummaging around and grabbed a massive television. As bad as it sounds it was kind of cool, we felt invisible when no one was around to stop us. Is this how God feels?

Unfortunately invisibility doesn't always last as long as you'd like.

"See, that wasn't nothing. Sometimes you got to take the risk or lose the chance Ezekiel."

Suddenly a man popped his head out behind the wall and starting firing rounds at us. DeMarcus dropped the TV and ran in the opposite direction of me, I glanced down at the ground and saw red splatter. DeMarcus's hands were covered in blood and his torso was riddled with bullets. Everything happened so quickly I had difficulty processing it, not again I thought. Was I going to have to attend yet another funeral? It's one thing to loose your friends and it's another thing to loose your family.


It was the same Korean fellow that we met at the convenience store just minutes away, he was standing across from me. Meanwhile the gun he had in his hand was smoking from the barrel.

"You steal from me?" The man was unfazed by the situation.

I sprinted as fast as I could to DeMarcus who was still breathing, hanging on to life by a thread.

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