My room

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Hanji was going upstairs and i was following her because she wanted to show me my room
My room was near horse face room wait a minute ahhhh nooo! Im horse face roommate! But i though it was near!!! Uhhh dammit
Jean pov
I couldn't believe this omisha was my roommate! Im so happy! Wait.... am i falling for her? Nonononnono, i can't!
Omisha pov
Shit! Im going to be a roommate with a horse!
Is he pervert? I don't think so..... but what if he was? Oh man
Ok this is your bed hanji said
There's one bathroom and one toilet hanji said again
You're not going to say thank you? Hangi said
No... omisha said
Pffff ok bye then hanji said
I look at the clock it was 10:30 pm i decided to sleep i changed my clothes and brushed my teeth i saw horseface in the toilet to come and brush his teeth i didn't look at him but he was starting at me so bad i looked at him and see him blush he have a crush on me? Oh hell naw!
I finished brushing my teeth and then i was ready to sleep but i can't and horse face wasn't sleeping so i decided to ask him something
Horse i said
He looked at me with a little blush
Yes? He said
You have a crush on me right?
He started to blush so badly he was like a tomato
W_w_w_what? He said
Don't act stupid, im a demon i know everything! I said
Why does it even matter? He said
Oh, i just wanted to tell you i don't feel the same way i said
Oh, um......... well.....h....ha
He is crying? WTF?!
Why the fuck are you crying horse?! I said
Omisha...... i _i love you so much he said
Ummmm horse? I said
YES? I said
ARE YOU DRUNK?! I yelled
NO! He yelled
So WTF are you saying!!!! I yelled
That i love you!!!! He yelled
You're a horse i will never fall for yo-
Before i can finish my sentence he kissed me
He he kissed me i slap him

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