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I burst through the door gasping for air grabbing at my rib cage trying to stay upright. I collapse from lack of oxygen, just outside the living room my grandma rushes to me as Im swept in to darkness.

"One week before"

I live with my grandparents, theyre heavy smokers so naturally I smell like smoke all time.

Im a senior in high school and I have lung problems from my grandparents smoking.

My first class is algebra where my friend Hailey sits next to me.

"Wow! A flannel shirt," she says eyeing me.

Yes," I say as the teacher gives me the evil eye, that said shut up and sit down, we did math and were off to the next class, being my biology class I sat next to a strange girl who tried to strike up a conversation. The next class was PE (physical education) I dont like PE because I have(undiagnosed) lung problems I end up in the nurse office almost every day because I cant breathe, but I still have to participate which isnt great and today we were running, Hailey and I ran half way around the track I felt a pain radiating through my chest, and passed out.

I woke up the world was blurry my glasses were on the table beside me, I heard the door open and close.

Hello, the nurse says, then she was checks my pulse, It has been to many times this month Layla, you have to go to the doctor.

But, I say in protest, through the oxygen mask.

Youre going, were done talking about this, she says making sure the oxygen mask is on right, Anyway you have to go to the hospital you passed out in school.

I sit up taking off the oxygen mask almost instantly my brain felt like it was being crushed; the nurse quickly put it back over my mouth.

Dont take that off, you need it to breath, she says very concerned about me. I called your grandparents they should be here soon.

I nod my head and lean back against the wall, closing my eyes.

My grandparents came in the room; I open my eyes, the fresh smell of smoke on their clothes.

What happen? my grandma asks.

She passed out, the nurse says from behind her.


She was running in PE, you have to take her to the hospital, she has had breathing difficulties for as long as Ive worked here, it has been getting worse though, in the last month.


The nurse put a new oxygen tank on the cart plugged the oxygen mask and turned it on, This new oxygen tank should last at least one hour, that should get you to the hospital, she helped me stand, we walk through the door my friend Hailey was sitting in the floor, her makeup was running down her face.

Are you ok, Im so sorry, she says starting to cry again.

Shell be ok, the nurse assuring her.

We walked past tables to another set of doors through those doors my grandfather had brought the car up to the curb, he opened the door for me to get in, the nurse helps me in and buckles my seat belt she puts the oxygen tank in between my feet, and closes the door.

She was talking to my grandparents, then she went back in the school and my grandparents got in the car. We were headed to the hospital.

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