Into the Night

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She smiled..... It was painful.....but..... It was a smile.

She had to smile... She had to smile for him.

He... He was her everything....

But sometimes...he just didn't get it...

She couldn't anymore....

She was losing hope....

He wasn't going to understand....

She was going to die....

She wanted to....

So bad....

But alas.... He needed her.

As much as she hated to admit, she needed him to... A little too much...but she supposed it was normal. He had claimed her after all. She was his, completely and forever.

They were Souls bound to each other for all eternity. Sounds quite romantic, doesn't it? It's not. She briefly wondered if there was a way to escape his grasp. She soon shook the thought away. She'd die in the process. And she valued her life too much. She was much too important now to die anyways.

She never cared for being coddled. But here she was, being coddled! She didn't understand why she was being treated this way. The man that had claimed her was already married. She was just the Mistress. She screamed, internally of course. She hated that she, of all people, was now being forced into the spot light.

The man, the one that claimed her, never said sorry for claiming her either. Now she was bound. To him of all people! A royal who thought he owned the whole damn world. And here she was, about to be married to this damn prick. She couldn't stand it. She couldn't stand him!

But she needed him. If she wanted to live that is. She was now being forced into a marriage that she didn't want. It's making her family happy. Their common ranked daughter was going to be the new Queen! (It was rape honestly, he denies at every angle.) And what better, she was pregnant too. (He said she was wanting it. When is rape ever wanted though??)

Her parents where ecstatic. Her sisters were jealous. Her brothers were angry. (Their baby sister was claimed and raped after all) Her sisters thought she was a whore. Her brothers thought she was innocent in this. And her parents didn't care that it was unwilling, she would be Queen soon. What did it matter if rank was on the line?

She visited her family a couple days ago. But only to tell them that they would be given a Nobility rank. They were all happy. Her brothers and sisters now looked at her like she was a goddess.

She was torn. She idly wondered how long she could last alone without her (forced) mate. She decided she could leave it to the gods that forced this fate upon her.

She looked over at her (forced but slightly loved) mate. "Dear, look into my eyes. What is it that you see?" He look into her eyes. "In you're eyes I see the night. The night that I want to run to."

This....was COMPLETELY random. I had no reason for writing this. I started this I think a year ago but just never found inspiration for it till now. So I honestly hope you somewhat like this weird little one-shot I created.

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