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Warriors- Fan Fiction:

Maplestone looked back, scanning the folige behind her for signs of Shadowclan chasing the fleeing Thunderclan cats. The ground was marshy, and mud seeped in between her toes. She stumbled, the cat leaning on her almost collasping. Maplestone gazed worriedly it her sister, Rainsong, her heart fluttering it the sight of the deep gash running from Rainsong's left shoulder, twisting on to her back, and ending at the base of her spine. Rainsong's eyelids were half closed, but she still breathed with the purpose of living.

Seeing no cats pursuing, Maplestone turned her attention to the next obstacle of their hurried flight: the Thunderpath. Monsters were racing up and down it, roaring loudly, the Twolegs in their bellies never noticing the cats. The rest of her clan was gathered on the side, and a slight drizzle beginning to fall. Her leader, and mate, Cougarstar, was dividing the able-bodied warriors into groups, to help support the wounded. He saw her, waved his tail in concern, and seeing no injuries on her, he turned his attention back to his clan. Maplestone didn't mind; Cougarstar's first priorities were to Thunderclan, not her. It was his duty, and Maplestone respected that.

Rainsong whimpered slightly, and sank onto her paws. Maplestone crouched beside her.

"Rainsong, come on. If we get past the Thunderpath, we can go home and heal you."

Rainsong only closed her eyes.

"No! Don't close your eyes! Stay with me Rainsong!"

"Shut up, Maplestone." Rainsong rasped, opening her eyes and gazing into Maplestones eyes. She was relieved to see a twinkle of annoyance glittering in Rainsong's pain-filled eyes. "I not gonna die. I want to  find a mate and have kits, and I can't do that in Starclan, can I now, mousebrain!"

"Alright." Maplestone said, licking at the stream of rain dripping into Rainsong's eyes. "Let's go. You can make it."

Rainsong pushed herself to her feet, trembling. She leaned on Maplestone again and they limped to the very edge of the Thunderpath. Cougarstar gazed at them, worried about the crossing.

"We'll be fine." Maplestone promised her mate, headbutting his shoulder lightly. "I'll see you back at camp."

A monster sped past, flattening the cats fur with wind.

"Go!" yowled Cougarstar. Maplestone wanted to race across the Thunderpath and get it over with, but there was no way she would leave her sister. They stumbled onto the Thunderpath, its warm, black surface echoing with their paw steps.

No. No! We have to go faster!

They made it almost across, when a shiny, tan monster loomed out of the fog. Maplestone watched it bearing toward her, getting bigger and bigger.

"I'm sorry. I love you." Rainsong whispered. "It's all my fault."

Maplestone looked away, seeing Rainsong do the same, waiting for the monster to roll them over, the same way they did Deertail last newleaf, smashing her flat. Suddenly, the monster veered to the side, missing them completely. It rolled to a stop, and a female Twoleg kit leapt out. The other Twolegs in the monster yowled at her, but she didn't stop. She ran to the cats, and gently picked Rainsong up. Maplestone threw herself at the Twoleg, slashing and biting with her claws.The Twoleg barred her teeth in pain, but didn't cry out.

The Twoleg walked to the edge of the Thunderpath, and was met with Dovetail, Nightpond, and Plumpaw jumping of the undergrowth, using their claws and teeth. The Twoleg kept walking, whimpering with every wound the cats inflicted. Then she set laid Rainsong down in a patch of ferns, and walked away almost silently. Then the amazing thing happened. The Twoleg looked back, and said in a clear voice.

"My name is Sarah."

The cats reeled back in surprise. A Twoleg can speak cat? Impossible! The Twoleg walked away, disappearing into the mist. Maplestone raced to her sister, and grabbed her scruff.

"'Help me!" she demanded at Nightpond sharply. The black cat stalked over, and supported Rainsong gingerly. They hobbled into the camp, and took Rainsong into the medicine cat's den. Owleyes gave Rainsong some herbs, and in no time, she was sleeping peacefully.

"You can go sleep now, Maplestone." Owleyes said. "Your sister is in safe paws."

Maplestone nodded and left, stumbling into the warriors den, fatigue dragging at her paws and numbing her mind. Just like her sister, Maplestone fell asleep as soon as she curled up.

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