Kissy Clairvoyance

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Zoe's POV

To be perfectly honest, when Troye initially told me he thought he was turning into a werewolf, I was super relieved. I mean, I had known he was a werewolf for almost three years now, and was totally unsurprised when he told me. But let me tell you, it is amazingly difficult to keep something like that a secret. Why, you may ask?

Well, first, people don't believe that werewolves exist. Weird, huh? Had I told him he was one when I found out, he would have run away screaming and, if you know my Troye, you know he would not have made it terribly far. He likely would have just passed out, actually, and not run, being that he is super anti-physical activity. I've literally seen him stretch his entire body out, stretch until his face turned red and scrunched in discomfort, while sitting on my couch, trying to grasp with his toes a remote control resting on the other end from where he was sat. He did manage to get it, though; he has super long, thin feet, and he was very determined not to actually get up and move more than what was absolutely necessary.

Secondly, I couldn't tell him I knew he was a werewolf because then, had he not (unsuccessfully) ran away shrieking or passed out, he would have wanted to know how I knew. And as excited as I was to find out that I wasn't the only weirdo in Highlandtown, I certainly was not ready to tell Troye, my boyfriend at the time, that I was sort of a psychic. I mean, how do you reckon he'd take it if he knew that I was able to know things simply by kissing him, and still chose to kiss him without telling him that I would be able to take a sneak peak into... basically everything about him?

Oh, god. Now that I say it, I sound like the worst, creepiest, cringiest friend on the planet! Certainly a horrible, horrendous girlfriend as well. Ugh. I'm so awful.

Damn it. Oh, well.

Ah, oh, yes. Also, when I kissed Troye, I was also perfectly certain that he was gay. This was a relief as well because I'd had my suspicions – Troye was waaaayyy too interested in Zac Efron, and when he found the deleted shower scene of old Zac from High School Musical during laptop time at his apartment, his grin was so humongous, I was afraid it would push me off his bed and tumble me out of his bedroom. And Troye's eyes! His lips! Honestly, I'd found myself struck by pangs of unreasonable jealousy of his clear blue eyes and his perfect mouth, and I thought to myself, Zo, you should be happy that your boyfriend is this beautiful, not wish you LOOKED like him.

So, super relieved, you see, to know for certain he was gay, and I could be secretly envious of him like normal friends are, and excited for what a super, amazing friend he would be, much more appropriate than a boyfriend. Oh, and the werewolf thing, of course. Not particularly relieving, but certainly very, very interesting. Oh, yes...very interesting, indeed.

Wait. I have no idea what I'm on about... what point am I trying to make? Just a moment...

Ah! I remember! Let me back-track a bit and introduce myself.

Hello, everybody! My name is Zoe, otherwise known as Zo, and I have a very specific ability I like to refer to as epidermal psychometry. Actually, really, when I'm being cheeky, which is usually the case, I refer to it as “kissy clairvoyance.” When I kiss people, on the lips only, mind you, I can pretty much know anything I want about the person I'm smooching, including things they don't know about themselves, even some future events if I'm concentrating hard enough (or using tons of tongue...don't ask).

Imagine my shock when, in kindergarten during recess, I squeezed my eyes shut and planted a wet one on Timmy Newsome and suddenly saw, behind my eyelids, a group of hairy, brawny men on a stage, wearing short, sparkly skirts and doing high-kicks while singing “It's Raining Men.”

I'm not ashamed to admit that I screamed, and pushed Timmy so hard he fell into the sandbox. I was a child. Please don't judge me.

However, Timmy now performs in a nightclub as “Tricia,” and “It's Raining Men” is one of his most highly requested performances. 

Hmmm. I just realized that I may have a habit of falling for gay men.

Anyway, that was not as traumatic as it could have been, and there was a time I was afraid to even touch people because I thought I'd see something and have a panic attack and not be able to cover it up and then get hauled away into the loony-bin because really, who claims they can swap spit with someone, and then see every bit of their life in their saliva? It's so...odd. 

Luckily, as I got older, I learned how to control it a bit and, between you and me, this involved smooching quite a few frogs before I figured out what a prince my talent truly was, but you know, all in the name of science, I guess.

So, when I kissed Troye that one time three years ago, it wasn't because I was all romantically gushy inside. I mean, he is really a lovely looking man - man-boy, then, at seventeen years old- but this was science... or something very akin to it! I wanted to confirm a few things – about my skills and about Troye – so after our movie date, I decided to make my move...


Cliff-hanger... sort of lol

A/N: I'm ashamed. Super short filler chapter because I'm a lazy beast, but I promised to upload something tonight so here IT IS. I am actually still writing, so TOMORROW AFTERNOON, you will be getting more of Zoe's POV, how she and Troye met, and what the actual hell that kiss was about, and maaaaaaybe some Tyler POV. Also, a new character will be introduced tomorrow, and if you think hard, you can probably figure out who it will be (read my profile information for a clue :D).

Let me know what you think, tell me you are looking forward to tomorrow's update, vote, comment, follow, yada yada yada. I really, really love you all. *SMOOCHES*


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