Suspicious activities

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By suggestion of everyone in the medical field I decided to take a day off work, Sure, I can't sleep because I'm worried about what's going on there but, oh well.

I'm just sitting on my bed watching horror movies with dusty sleeping on my lap at 3am.

I'm clearly in a good mental state.

My phone rings making me flinch and in shock and wake up dusty who growls at my phone and I shush him.

"It's alright- I got it" I say reaching out and picking it up.


"Uh Lia! I know it's your night off but, we are kind of in a bit of a sticky situation- I'm with my friend Taurtis and he has only worked here once before so we are-"

"I get it. I'll be there soon" I say hanging up and dusty wines, rolling onto his back as if he knows what's happening.

"It's okay, boy. I'll be back in a few hours" I say gently pushing him off my lap.

I just put a jacket over my Top and leave my pj shorts on.

I'm not awake enough to care.

I walk out of my room at the same time as Layla, my flat mate.

"Oh- sorry, did I wake you up?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"It's fine- where are you going, I thought you were taking the night off?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah- but they called and said they needed my help" I say and she looks concerned.

"And it's nothing like the last place right?- the animatronics don't move at night and-"

"Yes! Layla I've told you a billion times, it's nothing like that. That was just a one time place with malfunctioning machines" I say and she crosses her arms.

"I know but... the way you talked about it... you seemed convinced something more was going on" she says and I sigh.

"I wasn't really in a good frame of mind back then- you know that, look I have to go" I say leaving the house without another word.

I arrive at the pizzaria and suddenly realise... how do I get in? This place is on lockdown 12am-6am.

I call Sam.

"Hey, How do I get in?"

"There's a vent! It's on the top of the building, just get to the roof somehow and you should be able to get in"

"Really? It's that easy to break into here?"

"We have murderous animatronics we don't need security!"

"Alright, point taken, I'll be in there soon" I say hanging up.

I look around the building.

Maybe I can try to find a ladder...

After a little bit of searching I give up on that idea. I walk back to my car and drive it next to the building.

I get out and climb on top of the car then I grab a brick The was sticking out and pull myself up so I can stand on it, from there I use all my strength to jump up and grip onto the roof and pull myself up.

I calm down my heavy breathing and look around the roof and I spot the vent.

It's closed... I grab a metal pipe that was conveniently laid out on the roof and smash the frayed lock open. That made a lot of noise...

I open the vent and peer into it... that's a long drop, there is no way I'm getting back out. Let's just hope I'm not greeted by any animatronics down there.

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