Thanos x Shrek

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It was yet another somber day for the green ogre. Each day was lacking the sunlight that brought life to his swamp, his wife Fiona. But ever since she left him for that scrawny yet unexplainably masculine Shaggy, Shrek had been stuck in a never ended cycle of both pity and incessant jealousy. He needed someone to fill the ravine that had formed in his heart, anyone.

Shrek attempted to forget about Fiona by soaking in his favorite marshy swamp. He stared at the thick opaque liquid that embraced his voluptuous green body. He wished that that embrace came from another, not from some insentient sludge that couldn't even comprehend his grieve.

But just before Shrek lost all hope, he felt an enormous, thick hand make contact with his muddy naked shoulder. Shrek shuddered at this sudden cold touch.

"Is there room for two in there?" A deep silky voice asked seductively.
Shrek turned his head to face whoever this hunkalicious man was. 
And to his surprise his saw a glorious figure of purple masculinity.  His muscle bulging out of the tight black and gold suit he wore. But most of all, Shrek noticed a huge glove lined with stones that the mysterious man had.

"Ye...yes" Shrek stuttered as the hand move from his shoulder.
The sexy purple man lowered himself into the thick muddy pool, directly next to our thick green stud.

"Whats your name beautiful?" The mysterious man asked.

"Shrek, what's yours?" Shrek replied.



There was a long pause between the two. Shrek detested these types of drawn out awkward moments. He wanted to get to know him, the man who had just plunged himself into his monotonous life. Shrek turned to Thanos to see his reaction to this situation, however Thanos had already taken initial step and was gazing at the green orge.

Shrek blushed and quickly turned away. He couldn't handle Thano's firm gaze as his emerald eyes pieced right through Shrek's green skin directly into his rapidly beating heart.

"Shrek, turn this way handsome"

Shrek then felt two masculine hands grip his shoulders tightly as he was turned to face Thanos. Thanos smirked as he saw how Shrek's face was frozen with anticipation. The purple man decided to not let this opportunity go to waste and slipped his long index finger under Shrek's chin and lifted his head up in one swift motion.

"Shrek look me in the eyes, what do you see?"

Shrek examined all of Thano's flawless features. How every aspect of his face complemented the polished body he possessed.

"I see perfect balance" Shrek whispered breathlessly. Thanos then leaned up against Shrek's burning body and spoke quietly in his ear.

"As all things should be"

The two then conjoined their lips in a fervent swampy kiss. Thanos dominated Shrek's mouth passionately. The two splashed in the mud as they were wrapped in eachother's embrace.

Shrek had found the cure to the loneliness that plagued him, it was Thanos. And Thanos desired Shrek so much, that he was willing to snap his fingers to make the whole world disappear. Only leaving the two behind to canoodle forever, surviving solely off of cucumbers and eggplants until the end of time.

Thusly ends the short yet perfectly balanced romance between Shrek and Thanos. May this stain of a story stay forever in not only your mind but also your hearts my dear readers~❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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