The Facker Wedding

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Chapter One Hot Gossip!

It is a normal day in the small village of Let Ripp. It is a pretty village situated on the outskirts of Cardiff, surrounded by beautiful countryside, full of luscious shades of green with whispers of colour from the scattered wild flowers, which grow along the lanes and in the fields, with also a scattering of some fields full of the blissful bright yellow rape flowers glowing in the sun. 

In the village there are only a few houses and cottages dotted around a narrow road leading up to a hill. At the bottom of the hill is a post office, a small village store, and the local pub. The road going up the hill forks off into two dead ends on either side. At one end is the home of a retired Judge. He is plump with a pot belly and uses a monocle to focus his sight. He snorts rather loudly when he brakes into rare laughter. The Judge lives with his wife Petunia, a plump, immaculately dressed lady, her hair is always permed regularly by her personal mobile hairdresser, and has it coloured in a chestnut brown. Petunia remains a housewife by choice but she does tend to come across as very snobby at times, she feels a ladies place is in the home raising the children and being a dutiful wife.  

At the opposite end of the forked road stands a pretty little church run by the local vicar Reverend Piste. He is a tall streaky looking man, with a nervous twitch and a stutter. He is in his late thirties with a prominent bumpy thin nose with a toothy grin. Reverend Piste has never married, he is very proud of his well kept church and keeps his grounds immaculate, there are no weeds allowed to grow on his well kept lawns and cemetery. In the village there also lives a solicitor, a doctor, a teacher and a washed up actor who is rarely ever seen.  

In the middle of the forked road, on the hill top stands a thatched cottage that belongs to the Facker family. The Facker family do tend to get up some people's noses, with their bluntness and bold sense of dress, however most villagers were aware of their kind hearts underneath and found them quite humorous. Mother Facker (as she is known by most people) is a widow in her late fifties. She has a little weight gain over the years but has kept her curves in all the right places. She over dresses at times, with lots of large colourful jewellery with her bright coloured taste in clothes. Mother also keeps her short bright blonde hair tidy and styled regularly; she remains a very attractive lady with strong cheek bones needing very little makeup but loves to wear bold coloured lipstick.  

Mother Facker has three daughters each named poor things after her favourite flowers. Her eldest daughter is Chrysanthemum. She is tall and slim, with honey blonde hair. She is in her early twenties and drives an orange Volkswagen camper van, her pride and joy, which is always kept spotless inside with a gold carpet laid all through, it has a tiny kitchenette, two fold up beds, and gold curtains tied back. Chrysanthemum likes excitement in her life and will often be dating at least two or three men at the same time. The second daughter Bluebell is a year younger than Chrysanthemum. She is also slim she has dark brown wavy hair. She loves nature and all things mystical, attends a psychic circle, she reads tarot and Angel cards. Bluebell drives a small green Fiat with lots of flower stickers displayed here and there, she occasionally rides her little scooter, depending on what mood she's in at the time. The youngest daughter is Gladioli. She is nineteen, with short dyed red hair and glasses. She has many glasses to match each colour outfit she wore. Gladioli tended to get herself into trouble at times due to her impatience and not thinking things through. She rides a yellow moped with a matching helmet, but majority of the time enjoys riding her purple push bike.  

The Facker family own their own grocery business in Cardiff, selling fresh fruit and vegetables delivered daily by the local farmers. The shop is always kept neat and tidy. Everything has its own designated area. The fresh fruit and vegetables are always looking clean and healthy. Mother will only accept the best for her customers. It is a busy shop and often where the local and village gossip stems from. The Facker's do like to exaggerate dull stories turning them into juicy ones adding a little more excitement as they watch peoples expressions.... until of course one day... THEY became the juicy gossip! At the back of their shop voices were raised.... 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2012 ⏰

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