9 days before the incident

23 4 4

It  haunts me.

The memory of the blood oozing out of that boy like a faucet left open. The way the girl was enjoying it. How she didn't even look back at him when he passed out. How she looked like she didn't even care about killing a person like that.

She had wings.

She flew and turned into pixy dust. It is really hard to comprehend.

I haven't told about it to my mom yet .

It feels unreal and I am not very sure now if I'm suffering from schizophrenia or not.

But one thing us for sure . I have seen that girl somewhere.

I don't know what it was about . But something about the girl was very familiar.

As I dwell in my thoughts while taking the orders from other customers , a girl comes over to my side

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As I dwell in my thoughts while taking the orders from other customers , a girl comes over to my side. She gives me a small smile as she takes over the shift. Emily and I have something that I like to call as a Mutual Appreciation. Not friends. But not just aquaintances either. I am usually in awe of how calm and collected she is. Stoic even.

Her looks can be deceiving. She is a petite girl with a tiny waist , big ,doe, brown eyes and a mane of red wavy hair. She looked other worldly even - with her high cheekbones and slightly elfish ears.

In other words , she looked ethereal.


No don't take me like that. I don't feel anything of that sorts towards her. We are for sure just ........ in mutual appreciation.

I walk around the counter and start making myself some expresso.

Aha! One delicious cup of life.

I sit down in the staff lounge and plug in my earphones.
I take a sip of my coffee as I listen carefully to the lyrics :

I want you to be your light baby ,
You should be your light.

I can feel the song as it tugs a string in my heart.

I want you to be your night baby ,
You could be your night.

My mama deserves so much more than what she gives herself.

I smile to myself as the chorus starts again. I should sing this for mama someday , I think. She would like , no ,she would love it. The goofy smile won't reduce as I keep thinking about her. Her smile , her perfect white teeth , her wavy black hair and warm brown eyes both of which I inherited.

My smile fades as soon as I realise what I'm supposed to tell her. Will she even believe me? Or maybe she'll feel like her son has gone kukoo, and take me to the therapist ?

I look up to see Katherine enter the lounge and take the seat beside me. She does not speak . We just sit together for some time in comfortable silence .  There's just something about her presence that I don't feel in other people. It feels natural being with her . She must have known I was thinking about something depressing because she puts an arm around me . She somehow has this ability to tell what I'm feeling .

"Want to talk about it?"

I shake my head. She let's out a small smile.

"I may have terrible Spanish speaking skills but I'm a very good listener."

I chuckle. But I realize that ............ If anyone will believe me it's her. And if she doesn't....... Well. At least I'll have it off of my chest without having my mom pull me to an asylum.

"Okay , I will tell you. But you have to promise to not take me to a mental hospital or something.

 But you have to promise to not take me to a mental hospital or something

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Her left eye twitches.

"So you're telling me....... you saw a girl drinking blood from a boy."

"Well , it looked like that...."

"And then she flew."

I nod my head vigorously.

"Then turned into gold dust. Pixie dust."

I nod again.

I come to the conclusion that it did actually sound somewhat stupid and childish. And.... well , unbelievable.

"Katherine , you've got to listen to me. I'm telling you what I saw . And don't you dare tell me that this is something I just saw, this is not a frickin movie. I saw what I saw. I do not suffer from schizophrenia . Please believe me else I shall most definitely go mental!!"

Katherine looks down , I can almost see the gears running in her mind. Her right eyebrow quirks up , her lips presses into a line and her eyes turn darker. I have named this particular face of hers as the 'Deep In My Thoughts , Disturb Me And I Will Kill' face. She breaks out of her stupor and looks at me ,biting her lower lip. She looks like she doesn't believe me . She turns back front , closes her eyes and gives herself some more time.

Without opening her eyes , she asks me ," Are you sure you did not binge watch the Twilight series or something ?"

I give her a small , sad smile and get up to go back to work. Her hand encloses my wrist and when I turn back I see her already looking at me.

She sighs, " Look .... Parker I'm not saying that I don't believe you . But for all I know this could be a prank........ I...I-I just need some more time to think about it."

I give her a genuine smile , telling her to take as much time as she wants. When I'm halfway outside the door, she calls out my name.

"Yeah," I ask.

She throws a tiny smile in my direction , "I don't think you've gone loco , mi amigo ."

I smile back at her .

I smile back at her

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A/N: Hello lovelies. Thanks for reading this first of all and sorry for being late.......
The song above is the one Parker listens to .
And also I'm going to make this whole thing pretty.  So I will be editing the previous chapters . Sorry because you are going to be spammed with notifications......
I purple 💜 you.
Te amo.

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