Arcade mode tips!

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The axe is most efficient

Count. Your. Swings. Itll help see what's most efficient. Especially since youll need to budget once joy gets over $100

Don't hit head on. Swing and immediately push sideways. Youll hit more then one and itll deal the same damage.

Stock up on healing items early

Stay close to booths. Its tempting to run around but this helps you not die.

Witches are easiest to kill in rage mode. Have a weapon. Not a throwing one.

Throwing weapons dont do much damage.

The golden hammer is actually flimsy as fuck.


Watch your money. And stock up on early rounds.

You will need plague syringes. Buy them as early as you can.

Don't worry about witches if you have no weapon. Because they'll fuck you up if your using fists alone.

Witches cause bleeding no matter what. Kill them and THEN bandage.

Pause and heal that way. Its faster and more efficient.

So uhh yeah xD Enjoy my little tips! Let me know how they worked.

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