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The sky resembled a canvas smeared with myriad colors. Yet another Friday was passing like any other Friday – uneventful, stagnant and grey like winter.  Balan tried to remember a Friday which was different. It all felt the same – just like his life in the desert.
He had been standing by the window for a long time. Several stories below, children were playing in the parking. Somewhere from another flat, an old song lost its way into his. The song reminisced about a little house in the faraway homeland. Typical dream of every Pravasi.
Balan sighed. It had been 8 long years since he visited his hometown. Life of a pravasi is all about making enough money for his family. But nobody seemed to have earned enough anyway. Money was never enough, and the list was never ending.
He washed his face, and peered into the mirror, studying himself. The greys are winning the war. The face is showing sings of aging. Dark bags underlined his eyes, just proving a point.
He fetched the phone from the table and dialed a number. A slice of the evening light filled his heart as he waited for the phone to ring at the other side. The light brimmed over his heart, crossed thousands of miles, deep seas, tall mountains and touched another heart far away, making a connection.
“Das, I want to build a house…in my property there…near the river”
The voice from the other side was filled with innocent excitement.
“I am so happy Bala…never too late...but did you discuss with Chechi and kids?”
“I don’t need anybody’s permission Das…I have lived all my life for others. I want to live without any luggage now. I have earned it; haven’t I?”
“Of course, Bala…I can’t tell you how happy I am for you my friend”
“Das, I am counting on you for this. I will need to continue here for some more time – at least till the house is completed. I need you to manage everything there. I don’t want to ask anybody else”
“Bala, do you think I would have let you ask anyone else? Don’t worry about anything...I will take care of it”
Balan put the phone down and looked out of the window again. The sky looked beautiful. The children looked beautiful. Far away, the trees and the traffic looked beautiful. Life has a new “taswib” now.
Next week, the designs for the new house came by email. Balan approved a design which had a bedroom facing the river. In fact, that was the only demand he had – windows opening to the river.
That night, he slept like a child. In his dreams, a door from his house opened to the riverbank. The Sun was casting soft yellow light into the house from behind the trees on the riverbank. When he stepped out, the river stretched its hands and caressed his feet like a lover from long ago. He giggled in his sleep.
The house grew fast, and Balan enjoyed watching it grow through the WhatsApp pictures his friend sent him. It made him happier than he imagined – just like watching his own child grow up.
“Bala…the plastering starts tomorrow”
“Tell me if you need more money, Das”
“No Bala…we are good. The only thing worrying me is getting some sand for the construction. Can you send some from there? You have enough everywhere…!!”
“Oh...is it a big problem?” Balan couldn’t hide is dismay.
Das heartily laughed at the innocence of his childhood friend.
“Don’t worry; I was just pulling your leg…Why will we have any problem here, of all places, in getting sand? We have a river right across...We can dig up some whenever we need. You relax Bala. I have everything under control”
Balan sighed with relief.
“Das, I couldn’t even imagine this without you. You know it’s been 8 years since I have come home. I had been dreaming of this house for a long time…And now you are making my dream come true. I don’t even know how to thank you”
The distance between them couldn’t hide the quiver in his voice.
“Come on Bala. What is there to thank me for? What are friends for?”
Balan smiled. He could see months passing by in a flash, and the dream home getting ready for the owner who loved it the most.
The flight was delayed. Balan cursed under his breath as he cleared the immigration and walked out. The taxi ride is going to take at least 3 hours, and it will be late night by the time he reaches home.
Good that there is no housewarming party; he thought. He didn’t want to invite anyone for housewarming. He just wanted to be there all alone. Excitement bubbled inside his mind.
The taxi ride to Das’s home took more than what he thought. Das was waiting to have dinner with him. After dinner, Das took him to his new home. Balan felt a surge of happiness charge through his body when he stepped into the house. He stood there, soaking in the sights and the smell. That night, he dreamt of the river across his bedroom windows. The river laughed and touched his feet playfully.
When the morning came, he opened the window of his bedroom and stood there petrified.
The tea-shop at the junction was abuzz as usual.
People have seen him walking along the dried-up river with his suitcase.
“There is a “For Sale” board on the gate of his new house” – said one.
“These pravasis always do this. They will buy a good spot, and build a house, and then resell it immediately. You have no idea how much profit they make”
All others nodded their heads in agreement.
And that’s how it all ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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