Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning thinking everything is normal, until I remember the events of yesterday. Hoping it was all a dream I get up and look at the glass of water on my desk. I reach my hand out towards it and concentrate on it freezing. Sure enough the glass is a frozen block of ice. I take a deep breath and think rationally to myself. This is okay, I can get through this. I just need to learn to control this and it could maybe even be useful. As I come to this resolve I start getting ready for the day. It's Saturday and I had plans to meet my best friend Lily at the mall at noon. It was 11:30 so I finished getting ready and left my house.


I arrive at the mall five minutes before noon and wait for Lily on a nearby bench. While I'm waiting for her I see a girl surrounded by three boys. They are by the corner of one of the stores and I can hear the boys yelling at the girl. Not knowing what is happening I get up off my bench and move closer so I can see what's happening. I move until I am only one store away and listen in to what they are saying. I hear the boy who seems to be the leader of the three yell, " If u hadn't said anything to the store clerk I could have taken it and joined would have known...". That's all I hear before I see him raise a fist to hit the girl. Frightened she shrinks back against the wall anticipating the blow. Without hesitation I reach my hand out towards the ground near his feet and concentrate on freezing the area. Just as his fist is coming down he slips on the ice that is now surrounding his feet and ends up punching himself in the face instead. As his friends are in shock as to what just happened, the girl makes a run for it and gets away. The boys are still confused about what happened and are helping their leader up as I turn around with a grin on my face. I head back to the bench and see Lily waiting for me. " What happened that got you in such a good mood?" she asked quizically. " Nothing but some boys being stupid." I say still smiling. We start walking towards our favorite store Marie's to begin our afternoon shopping.


After we did some shopping we wen to the food court to eat and then went our separate ways. As I was walking home after a wonderful afternoon spent with my best friend, I reminisced about what had happened earlier with the boys. I get another grin on my fave reliving the pleasure I had felt at being able to help that girl. " Maybe these powers won't be so bad after all." I say to myself. Feeling satisfied I take my time going back to my house. By the time I get home it's time for dinner. My parents are out on a date and won't be home till late, so I heat up some leftover pizza and head to my room. Once in my room i think about all the good I could do with my new found powers. I had always wanted to be a super hero when I was younger, but I never imagined I would gain powers and actually have a chance to be one. I debated over about what I could do, or should do, and finally decided that I might as well make use of my powers.


For the next month I trained myself in how to better use my powers. I went out every night after karate to an old junk yard and would practice freezing things, and getting the ice to do what I wanted. I learned to control how big of an area I froze and how to make my own tools and weapons out of ice. The more I uses my powers the better I got at using them. In the junk yard I found an old police radio and fixed it up so i could hear about crimes going on. I also got busy on making a costume to wear so I could hide my identity. I was going to become one of the superheroes I had always dreamed of! Finally, the night came that I had an opportunity to stop a crime. Little did I know that the crime I chose was going to be a robbery at a jewelry store, and that I would get in way over my head.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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