About an update...

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Okay, so I kind of abandoned this story, but to anyone who wants to continue reading it, I am currently working an a fix called 'Mischief Managed' on my other account (AlexJMurphy). The first chapter will be out soon (and it's long so don't worry) and the plot is essentially the same: a demigod goes to hogwarts. There are a few changes but it's way better than this one. (Don't worry! I'm still keeping the marauders, Alex and most things about the story intact, but I just like it better) :)

The reason I started that one and am leaving this is because I didn't really evolve the characters or plot very deeply, and was left with something superficial that I only wrote because I couldn't find the fic I wanted to read so I wrote it.

I'm leaving this up here in case anyone wants to read it, but once again: Mischief Managed - AlexJMurphy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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