Are u ok? 3

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Errors POV
I slowly woke up. My vision being blurry. It took me 30seconds or so to recover some of my vision. I looked around the room to notice that I was in the hospital. I was confused into what happened. My memories were a blur. I saw monitors around me. I decided that I have been here long enough, so I decided to get out of bed and change. Before I could even move I had to take out all of  the needles in my arm. I did. After that I got dressed. I knew that I couldn't go out though the door way or the nurses would have to put me back. So I had to go out the window. I opened it and was about to go though till the doctor came in with ink. I looked at them as they looked at me shocked. I turned back and continued to go though it. They tried to grave me but it was to late. I had already slipped though the window. As I was falling I found a rope hanging and grabbed on to it. I slid down the of the way. As I reached the bottom I ran away.

Inks POV
It's been two days since Error has been out. I asked that doctor to take me to the room that he was in. As we got there and opened the door, he was already half way out the window. I was in pure shock. I was scared. Then he slipped all the way out. My heart dropped. I was scared. I ran to the window to see if I could reach him in time. Then I saw that he grabbed the rope next to him. I was relieved of that. I ran out of the room and hospital. And tried to fine him. But during that time I came across THEM. It's there fault that Error had to go to the hospital. But he had already got them back. He left to find error. But he had no luck. So he gave up on trying to look for him, for now. He will check at school.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
No ones POV 
Today is Monday. I got up and got ready for school. He went downstairs after he got dressed, and put his shoes on. He then sat at the table and ate his breakfast and left for school. As he arrived he saw that all eyes were on him. He felt uncomfortable. He then walked up to his friends and asked what happened. They told him that Nightmare and his gang spread rumors and lies about Error, and a little bit of himself. Ink was shocked into what happened. They told they that they couldn't be friends temporarily until they clean him up. So he was lonely. After that he went inside the school to fine Error walking into the restroom. He followed him there and started to spy on him. He saw him grab something out of his backpack. Then he saw error roll up his sleeve. Then did ink realize that it was and knife. He watched in horror. Then he saw that error had put the knife close to his (arm?) and sliced it. He did this 10times. He then saw Error clean up and put the knife back. He saw error coming towards the door. He backed away and ran. As that happened Error has open the door to hear something running away. He didn't see who it was, but he knew that they saw him cut himself. He was going to wait for the someone to get. But thought the whole day no one came. He was confused but didn't care. As the school bell rang, meaning time to go home, Error was stopped by ink. Error was confused, but he tried to ho around him. That didn't work. For about 20minutes they kept going back and forth. Until ink said "Let me see ur arm." Error was shocked. He didn't know what to do. He tried to fine a weak spot so that way he can get away, but always failed miserably. He was about to give up until he saw Inks car. Ink turned around of one second, and error took off. He ran and ran, to not even be looking back. But was he was afraid to get home. But he continued to ran.

Hey guys I know that dream and blueberry wouldn't really do that, but it had to be done. Anyways, the reason why I am not uploading so much is because I have school. But I have about 30 something days left. Not including the weekends. But with that I hope u have a great day. Bye.
Words counted: 796

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