1941- Enlisted

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Life on a small base isn't as fun as I thought it would be man we and my gal when should you go to the club every now and just party cuz we didn't think there would be any worry of being attacked until Japanese came and bombed Pearl Harbor and that started a lot of controversy with the leaders I was only 18 when I enlisted man my friends called me a Idiot saying oh your gonna die and during this I wasn't ready to see what in saw.
I was told this war was going to end on Christmas but heh that was a lie if I've ever heard one man now that I've been here for a month I really miss my gal back home. We were surprised to see what we saw bombs flying bullets rang past our ears and grenades dropped half our men and it was hell on Earth from there I would just love to see the way people are acting back in America probably partying as always. Later on we hear a thing going around France like Viva La Resistance and I thought it was just Germans trying to mess with us to lead us into a trap until..."HEY WERE PICKING UP SOMETHING IT SOUNDS FRENCH" the radio communication said and man I was flabbergasted when I heard this was actually going on. Man I feel like I'm at a point where I just wish I was home but I guess I have to deal with all this stuff now I'm so tired but hey I'm well fed at least I look up to see planes fly over and me and my men cheer them on with glee until I realized the insignia isn't ours and then I see 5 maybe 6 bombs drop from the sky and me and my guys start hauling away from the bombs quickly and we all make it to a safe location,man if that is what's gonna happen well let's just see how long I can survive until Christmas. If only I could sleep I would be ready and alert for everything that's happening and I pray for my friends back home i'm just one of them California boys that does dumb stuff my dad was my only inspiration mom...mom was a drunk but hey I can't judge when she wasn't wasted she was a caring lady that helped me for a very tough part sure it's hard having to leave and fight but hey I can make up for it when I get back, I get a telegram from my girl saying she's pregnant and man that smirk on my face was probably hysterical to see I haven't smiled so big since I was a kid and that was man how long ago eh I'm not gonna bore anyone with that and finally as night falls we head in to the camp and we see some figures walk past and the were wearing a sash and just in case of anything I say Nennen Sie Ihren Namen and I get a reply in French something like S'il vous plaît non, je suis avec la résistance I lower my weapon and get out my flashlight to see a family of 5 with resistance sashes on there arm and I'm lucky I didn't fire because at the end of the street I see a patrol of men in gray uniforms marching around a building with swastika banners and iron crosses I point to the building and say Nous avons besoin d'uniformes allemands pour entrer dans ce bâtiment the resistance family gives me and one of my other men SS uniforms and documents and in case we are found out we have a silenced pistol and a pen knife. A few minutes of planning me and my guy walk up to the building and then we are asked for our papers and man I was so scared because the guard looked at me suspiciously and asked Bist du das and I reply with Ja and then we are aloud to carry on,man no I really don't regret taking those German classes that was really helpful and the French class to I was really scared I felt like I was about to get shot right then and there but nope I'm fine. A few minutes later we are give a signal to get a document then leave and that's what we did we faced obstacles sure but hey a stealth mission like that that was very risky I felt overwhelmed and now I feel very tired like I'm a sloth so we find a resistance H.Q. and fall asleep I love the sound of rain it sooths me so much it's calming to me I feel less stressed than what I was before and man this is a good night. Next morning I wake up and look at buildings burning down and see Germans lining up people shooting some and putting others on trucks to be sent off somewhere I'm kinda sad I can't help. In a hours time the place feels like a ghost town I see a gleam of a scope then next thing I know I almost get shot so then I fire back and watch the body fall from the tower. I start to see what else I can find and it seems to be clear so I tell my men we can move into the town and build fortification to keep people protected and in a matter of time I see American planes just start dropping off soldiers and other vehicles rolling in. I feel like I've completed so much in a matter of time i mean stuff is becoming more peaceful I walk around and admire I take pictures of the land and the actual city it's self man it's such a beautiful place when not being overwhelmed by Germans killing your friends but I think I'll leave this entry here for today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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