~part 1~

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~lance's p.o.v~

Indigo eyes, jet-black hair, and an extraordinarily fast beating heart were the visual and physical sensations Lance McClain experienced when he first laid eyes on Keith Kogane.

*note: i'm from melbourne and am therefore not exactly sure how american schools function so if i mess smth up i'm sorry ;^;

Lance awoke to his dog mauling him in slobbery kisses.

"Euewueuew!! Chico!! Dude! I love you, but that's gross!" Lance groaned, shoving him off.

Chico responded by doing full-out puppy eyes, the move Lance was weakest to.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you tummy tickles," Lance grumbled.

As if he had understood, Chico happily rolled onto his back, tail swishing excitedly.

'Too cute,'  thought Lance, smiling softly.

"LANCE!! Get yo' lazy ass down here right now!" Yelled his mom.

"Coming mom!" Lance replied, blearily stumbling out of bed. Lance was most certainly not a morning person. He carefully examined all his items of clothing before selecting extremely ripped jeans layered over fishnets and a cropped blue + white hoodie (ever the fashonista ;))

creds to original artist x

Because of his thick thighs and big ass, Lance often found it hard to find clothes which fit him properly in the mens section, thus he often shopped in the ladies 

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Because of his thick thighs and big ass, Lance often found it hard to find clothes which fit him properly in the mens section, thus he often shopped in the ladies 

His younger sister was already sitting at the table.

"'Mornin', Lola," Lance said gently, ruffling her hair.

"Mm-mm!" She replied, through a mouthful of choco puffs.

Lance, already late to school as it was, slurped down a kale smoothie (dElish), hugged his mum and sister, smooched Chico, and bolted out the door. He was within walking distance from the school and if he sprinted, he knew would make it there just as the bell rang. But Lance didn't want to be gross and sweaty on his first day so he walked. Had he ran, his relationship with a certain "mullet-headed-imbecile" might have been quite different. 

~keith's p.o.v~

"Just great!" Keith Kogane groaned, upon being informed that some douche-bag pervert was crossing his route to school that morning, and could he and his gang please teach this guy a lesson?

So now, on his very first day, he was going to be late. Very late. 

Keith wasn't your run-of-the-mill delinquent, whilst he did get into his fair share of fights over pointless things, and loved nothing more than putting a dickwad in the dirt, he wasn't a bad person. Which is why, when his client recounted what this person had done to her with tears in her eyes, Keith had sworn vengeance. Like hell was he going to let this bastard get away scot-free! He examined his surroundings cautiously; the only thing worse than being late on the first day was getting suspended on the first day. All of a sudden, the guy came in to view, he was wearing a an inconspicuous black hoodie and track pants,  Keith narrowed his eyes.

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