hate letters

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Next morning..~
I woke up by my alarm. Yesterday I didn't got beaten bcuz Fred stayed at his frds house. So I stood up from my bed and went to take a shower and I wore this...

 So I stood up from my bed and went to take a shower and I wore this

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Then I went down to kitchen to eat. The house is so silent bcuz I am alone in my house.so after while I went to school..
When I was at the entrance of hell I saw the popular boys grp or else I can say my bully grp was chatting with their frds who r surrounded with my fangirls. There was my brother too and his frd Daniel. He is a jerk and pervert.
They saw me and they came towards me and I just ignored and ran to the hallway to my locker and opened it to see a lot of hate letters with the from address the whole school.
Then I put in the Dustbin as usual then when I was trying to go to class after taking my notes, I was tripped down and everyone laughed at me. Then at last I came to my classroom.it was quiet as no one is there.. yah.. I'm early to the class as I am a typical nerd. Then the teacher mrs.shine came in after sometime .then the class started, it was maths class which was my favourite and everyones unfavourite they're bored so they thought to use me for entertainment.someone threw the paper in Mrs shine's head. She got angry and everyone shouted that it was me . So she was seeing me with her coldy eyes. Then she shouted me to go out and stand. Everyone started laughing as I am going outside. Then it lunch time....

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