Chapter 5 (The End)

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Chapter 5 The End Again why always Chapter 5? idk but let's jump right into it

Oliver and Kara decided to move together on Earth-1 Kara was invincible their life was perfect till Samantha appeared in front of Oliver with a child yesterday and asked him if he knows and he asked her what to know and Samantha told him he was his child and she had cancer she will be dead in 2 days and she had to go she didn't want to let her and his child knowing his mother was dead Kara just looked at him and hugged him and she was more than alright to let him live with them and she was more than happy to know he was a fan of Green Arrow he didn't who he was but this was the more intrigued part for William Kara was there with him like it was his mother and Oliver was more than happy to know if the next one will be theirs she will be already ready.

So you're a fan of Green Arrow right ? "Oliver asked his son  Kara was there too 

" Yes my dream is to meet him personally" Today was his birthday Oliver decided to put the hood on 

" Hey Kara I need to go at work can you please stay with him *She knew what happens because she knew Oliver* *Kara just nods*

" See you buddy " 

" See you father "

*** After 10 minutes to not be suspicious Green Arrow appeared here ***

GREEN ARROW " William shouted

" So you're dad told me to come here because it's your birthday "

*Kara forgot he was in a hood and kissed him William was confused Kara wasn't with his dad*

" Really Kara... " Oliver said and he took his hood off

" Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god " William was in shook his dad was his hero but this time for real "

" How can I be so lucky and be the Green Arrow's son " William asked his dad

" How can I be that lucky to have you and Kara " 

****** They Group Hugged *********

" I'm asking that question every day " * She kissed him again he kissed her back this time*

" Hey dad "

" Yes William ? "

" Please buy a room "
---------- The End ----------

I hope you saw this time I had some inspiration this was my first book but not first to end...

- Love you your SuperArrow Writter

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