Chapter Four

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As Matthew walked back into the precinct with Hayley, each of them balancing a full coffee holder tray, he noted the increasingly familiar clear-headedness that came from those few minutes of relatively fresh air.

Their walks down for coffee had now become a daily routine over the last few days, and Matthew was beginning to look forward to that break every day. She had respected his wish to keep silent on the topic of his personal life after that one moment of awkwardness, and now they had settled into a friendly conversational dynamic. Although their discussions were hopelessly mundane, it felt like it was exactly what he needed. He desired a buddy he could feel comfortable around above all else, and Hayley was fulfilling that role perfectly for him.

It was funny how the outcome of one relationship could have such a direct effect upon another. One month ago he would not have dreamed of daily private moments such as these with a female colleague. A married man had no business stealing away one on one time with another woman. A separated man had no such rules upon him, and he had to admit that Hayley's company was becoming something he was increasingly thankful for.

Signalling a farewell to her by raising the fingers of one cup-holding hand, he sauntered over to his partner and offered a coffee in his direction. As Eddie accepted it, he shot his friend a mild glare, and Matthew sighed.

"When you look more sullen than me, we know it's bad. What is the problem? No leads on your car?"

Eddie snorted.

"The idiots haven't found a thing. I don't know how they can lose a bloody car. Whatever. It's insured."

"Then why so serious?"

Eddie gestured with his head towards Hayley who was busy distributing the remaining drinks to others.

"That is the problem."

In confusion, Matthew glanced at the woman who lifted her head briefly, catching his eye before blushing mildly and turning away again.

"Hayley? What do you have against her?"

"It's you. You're leading her on." Eddie's voice was blatant in its disapproval, and Matthew turned back to him, aghast.

"We walk down to get coffee for everybody, and somehow that means I'm leading her on?"

"You can't be over her yet, man. It's barely a month."

And just like that, Matthew's semi-cheerful mood dissolved like a wisp of smoke which had been blown into nothingness by an icy gust.

"A month is plenty of time," he growled.

"Enough to mourn a marriage, get your head around it and start up with someone new?"

"I'm not 'starting up' with anybody."

Clearly, Eddie was not convinced, and his next remark really ticked Matthew off.

"You're going to hurt Hayley if you aren't careful."

Matthew shook his head in disagreement and removed the lid from his coffee, taking extra time to blow across it, distracting himself with the ripples before taking a sip. Eddie was still staring at him, and he grunted, sitting firmly in his chair and leaning forward on his elbows.

He couldn't deny that he had been enjoying the attention from Hayley. She was sweet, and she sincerely seemed about making sure he was alright. She was being a friend, that was all. The fact that she was female? Irrelevant. She just happened to be the one who was giving him what he needed at point in time. His other colleagues were still alternating between avoiding him and encouraging him to take time off and kick loose. He didn't need that. Eddie was a good friend, but there was only so much time they could spend together before he would start talking about counselling or advising him to once again step back from the case. He didn't want that either.

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