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Bella's POV

The soft roar of the plane's engines echoed in her ears as Bella stared out of the window. A picturesque view of the fluffy clouds was what greeted her, the sky a perfect blue. Each minute, she got closer and closer to Harry. She remembered when she received the package with everything she needed. She was in business class, which was good, because there was no way she would let Harry make her fly first class. No fucking way.

Bella had her stopover in Minneapolis and was now on the flight to London. She couldn't stop looking out of the window. The view was like nothing else, too perfect to be real. A flight attendant wearing the Malaysian Airlines outfit walked up to her with a gentle smile, her sleek black hair pulled back in a bun.

"Miss, can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you." Bella replied sweetly, not wanting to be rude. The flight attendant agreed and walked on to a man who sat in the opposite row.

The great thing about business class was that there was leg room because she knew that economy was a lot smaller, from what her friends and parents have told her. Bella stretched out her skinny-jean clad legs and rested her head against the back of the comfy seat. A smile came on her face when she remembered the moment she had opened the package. Not only was there all the essentials, like her boarding pass, but there was a letter from Harry. A handwritten one. Bella rummaged through her carry-on bag and pulled it out, unfolding gently. She needed to read it again. She wanted to.


I hope this has gotten to you on time. I was very stern with our band's management to get all of this to you. How are you? Are you excited? I know I am. It'll be wonderful to see you. Completely different to our first meeting, right?

You're probably still wondering why I offered for you to come over here to my home. I never got to tell you why on the phone and I didn't want to text my answer so I've put it here in this letter. You're something special, Bella. When I first saw you at the Sydney concert, I couldn't believe how beautiful you were. It melted my heart that you came with your little sister to spend her birthday with us. Your support means everything to me and everyone else associated with the band. I didn't think I'd ever see you again but we finally met. And to me, that's a one in a million chance.

All I know is that I want to spend more time with you. You intrigue me. Not just with your beauty but your personality. You're only 19 but you're so mature. Even after just one meeting with you, I can see how sweet you are. Probably as sweet as the cakes at the bakery you work at.

I very much look forward to seeing you. A friend of mine will be at the airport to pick you up. His name's Craig and he'll have a sign with your name on it. Have a safe trip over and I'll see you very soon.

Harry x

The kiss at the end of the letter almost killed Bella when she first saw it. Now, seeing it for the second time, it only made her grin like a lunatic.

It was 7:30 in the evening on Thursday, the 9th of April, when the plane landed at Heathrow Airport. The lights on the wings lit up the runaway, bright against the night sky. It finally dawned on Bella that she was in the same country as Harry. It made her smile.

In the space of an hour, she exited the plane, got her luggage, went through Customs and walked out of the arrival gate. Dozens of people milled about, waiting for friends and loved ones. Dragging her large red suitcase behind her, Bella spotted a muscular man who looked like he was in his mid-thirties with brown hair. In his large hands was a sign with her name on it. She made her way over to the man and swallowed. So this is Craig. He was huge. About 6 foot 3. Bella felt like a pixie standing before him.

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