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        47 years ago, on May 30th 25 year old Maria Thompson woke up with dew drops on the leaves of trees and birds perched on tree branches singing their song. She saw her father and mother, she hugged them and kissed them with all the love she could give. She grabbed her dress, her makeup, her hairpins, and her heart all the pieces of it. Maria waited around for her best friend and sister to pick her up. When they did she couldn't be more ecstatic. They arrived at the venue and scurried to their designated room. All the ladies in their dresses and toe crunching heels gathered around Maria curling her jet black hair, applying lipstick to her plump lips, and watching as she saw herself in the mirror for the first time with all of her beauty.
     Not too long after she watched all the guest flood in from the corner and doorway. When all of her family and everyone else was seated, the music played and she waltzed down the corridor to meet her father and take his arm around hers. Both trying to refrain from shedding a tear they walked gracefully down the path. At the end was 25 year old Amos Cece. "Take care of my girl" her emotional father told Amos as he handed over his daughter.  Maria looked at her heart's glue in the eyes and saw a future of light and love. "Mhm... now Amos and Maria will say their vows". Amos took Maria's soft, petite hand " Ever since I saw you walking down the University Hall's stairs holding your textbooks, I saw a radiance in you that apparently no one else did since when I approached you later that week when I finally gained the courage you told me that you had never had a boyfriend. For the next year I spent all of my waking moments thinking about you. Until one day where I decided that I wanted to not only think about you every moment of everyday but that I wanted to come home to you and kiss you good morning and night everyday. I never knew I could live without you until the thought of you leaving me became unbearable. Maria Thompson I hope you won't be a runaway bride, because I want to wake up to you laying next to me every morning for the next 50 years or more then I'll know that I'll smile every day." Amos began tearing up and Maria in her true fashion wiped it away with her tender thumb. " Amos you are the love of my life. I love everything about you. You can make me laugh anytime of day despite what may have happened to you. You get along with children as if they are your own, and not in a creepy way. Dogs love you and I love dogs so it works out perfectly. You never stop dancing no matter how bad I may be. If you would have told me 3 years ago that I would get married at 20, I would have laughed in your face. Now I'm getting married to the best man in the world. You are also very good looking." Along with the audience, she giggled and waited for the pastor to speak. The pastor said all the traditional sayings such as forever hold you peace but all Amos and Maria wanted him to say was "Do you Amos Cece take Maria as your bride?" Amos never more sure of anything more gladly said "I do", "and do you Maria Thompson take Amos as your husband?", to which to happily said "I do". "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Amos took his bride, dipped her and they kissed and no one else existed, the claps of family, friends, and uninvited coworkers faded out. They shared their first dance to "Let's stay together" by Al Green.
       Maria and Amos danced to that song the next day, and the next, every day for the next week, month, and the next 47 years. Amos got what he wanted, he woke up to Maria every day and everyday he was smiling for the most part. Until one day 47 years later Amos woke up and saw a pale, grey haired Maria laying peacefully in her sleep. He rolled over and shook her to wake her, "Maria my honey time to wake up. You still look as beautiful as ever." As her told her everyday so she woke up without being told a lie. This day she didn't wake up, Amos tried it again, shaking her harder "Maria my honey time to wake up...." he said sniffling "you still look as beautiful as ever", no response, he shook her harder but not harshly "You are still as beautiful as ever my love, honey it is time to wake up, Maria I know you love your jokes it is not funny anymore. It is time to wake up" she did not wake. He sat there face in palm, crying pools of tears, "Maria I promised 50 years of waking up next to you. We still have 3 years. We still have 3 years, Maria I don't know what to do.".

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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