XVII. Family Friendly Game Of Baseball

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Opening her eyes, Blair noticed something was different. Her pillow was slightly harder and rather colder than usual. Now fully opening her eyes, Blair looked around her room. Confirming it was, indeed her room she looked up into golden eyes of the person- well creature- she loves.

''Are you watching me sleep?'' She asked in her morning voice making corner of Jasper's mouth to tug upwards. ''You creep.''

Jasper let out a silent laugh that was a heaven to Blair's ears this early in the morning. He was glad her humour is back, he was worried she would be traumatised after what happened few days ago.

Blair sat up, stretching her arms high in the air making her bones crack. She looked back at Jasper, who was still laying in her bed, looking straight back at her. Her eyes travelled from his warm eyes down his chest. When her eyes landed on one particular thing they widened and she whined.

''I am so sorry for drooling on you.'' Blair apologised. If Jasper was alive his heart would jumped out of his chest now, she scared him.

''I think it's rather cute.'' He said in his southern accent and smirked at the girl who rolled her eyes.

''And I think it's rather embarrassing.'' Blair declared and finally stood up and walked towards her closet, looking what should she wear today. After picking out random shirt and jeans, Blair turned back to Jasper, who also got up and walked towards her, kissing her forehead.

''You want to come downstairs with me?'' Blair asked before she could leave her bedroom. 

''You're mother is downstairs.'' Jasper said as he heard Theresa softly curse at today's horoscope.

''Oh come on!'' Blair whined like a baby as she rested her head on his shoulder ''You know she loves you more than me. If you weren't already adopted, she'd adopt you and this would be incest.''

Jasper truly laughed at Blair's comment. He shook his head and kissed her forehead again before backing away from Blair.

''I should go get something to eat and I'll be back with my car to drive us to school.'' Jasper said and was about to walk toward the window but Blair's words made him stop.

''We have food downstairs, I mean not cooked one but cereal's good.'' Blair said. There was a moment of silence between the pair before there could be heard Blair's palm slapping her own forehead.

''I am so stupid.'' She whispered to nobody ''I forgot about your...yeah.''

Jasper lightly laughed at the human girl as he walked back to her. ''It's alright, Blair. That's one of the many thing I love about you.'' He said, kissing her softly on the lips before disappearing before her own eyes.     

☆ ☆ ☆

''Is it going to be a storm today?'' Blair asked the group of vampires at the lunchtime.

''Oh yeah, can't wait.'' Alice said in her happy voice. Blair sent Alive a look that she needed an explanation why is she excited for a storm. As if she is like her brother, Alice understood Blair's questionable look.

''You didn't tell her?'' Alice asked Jasper in half glare which Jasper returned back.

''I didn't have time.''

''I wonder what were you two doing then-''

''Tell me what?'' Blair interrupted small bicker between siblings. Both their heads turned towards Blair to tell her the news, but another Cullen was faster in spreading the news.

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