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You know how in every story how theres always teens doing something on a Saturday night doing something exciting or hanging out with a group with friends outside of their homes well this isnt that kind of story...Im spending my Saturday night in the comfort of my room. My safest place to be no matter what my room is my comfort zone my house is okay but my room doesn't even compare to it. As most of my life all of my Saturday nights take place In my bedroom like they always have. I never really leave my room when im home and if i do its when my parents call me or for dinner most times all i do is listen to music or read but my brother john that's a different story he something im not. It has been proven and i have been diagnosed with social anxiety and anxiety in general so i never really talk i get scared very easily in conversations even with my family its always been hard to communicate with other people but my bestfriend...Annie she knows alot about me and she been the only one whos  ever been in my room besides my siblings and parents. John on the other hand has many friends and has a very normal life he is very and openly gay which i always assumed even thou i never said it I've hardly ever really said anything talkin isnt my thing nodding yes or no is my thing but the only thing that if ever told any one is Annie which is that I'm into the opposite gender I've always been and i believed she was well aware even before i said anything ever to her but my brother told the whole world basically when he was aware of his feelings and i was oddly proud and happy because my parents displayed a happy environment for him now he is a great guy dont get me wrong but he has everything really hes got a wondeful picture perfect family and quite home life and a good reputation at school and friends something i hardly have but he has a bestfriend which i have always taken a great deal of interest in thats his bestest friend in the entire universe Mackenzie Frances Ziegler the prettiest and most wonderful girl you will ever meet but there's one slight problem...she's my brothers Bestfriend and ive never even said as word to her but Annie says she would take an intrest in me if i showed effort but i never really know when and how to talk to someone without being scared or flipping out and running away to Annie or Darian like a child but someday ill have to go out in the world but for now ill take my chance of never talking to the girl i really really like....

My Brothers BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now