Chapter 1

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Heres another story of mine, If i get some comments on my stories or votes I will try to upload quicker, I just hate to write something no one likes but me. Thanks for taking the time to read it, hope you like it..


Chapter 1


Dearist Daughter,

Oh how I have planned for this day over and over again. I know you may not think of me as a familiar face or much of me period because I Haven't been in your life. What you don't know is that I have always been in your life. You'll understand soon enough, trust me daughter life as you know it will change. I have chosen to give you the gift you will receive on your 17th birthday because I know you will take it and do good with it. Your mother has received a letter explaining everything and she will be there for you through all of this. I suppose I better kill the suspense and let you in on this little surprise.

I'll cut it deep and won't put anything in child script because you're a young lady now and you'll take this information as you want. I am your father and I have always been in your life as I said once before. The blood in your body that runs through your veins, your heart, your mind is all part of me. As you understand your mother is human, however I am not. I am a valance, which means I am the leader of the race vampires. Yes, we are very much real and you are a part of us. You are a very different breed because vampires cannot breed with humans but I have the power to do whatever I like, and what is best for my race. You my daughter are marked as a new beginning for the race of vampires and humans. We have kept our selves very well hidden over the last centuries because the human race decided it was best for their kind to block us out and which we agreed. There is a war amongst us, I have foreseen it and daughter you play a very important role in this war. All will come soon enough and you'll look back on this day and laugh with how scared and complicated this all once seemed. I'm sure your very upset right now and do not believe me but young daughter I am not a liar. Look at your beautiful eyes, they mark you as the one, the one who will lead this race to the new beginning, as a new race of life. You were also born with three black star tattoos behind your ear, that I know you have noticed since you could remember, this is also the mark of the vampire that separates you from the human race. These marks are given to every vampire, yet all vampires have only one star, you my daughter were born with three.

If your wondering if all the stories about vampires are true, well most are but however there are a few that are bullshit the humans made up for their amusement. Vampires do drink blood, but we do not kill unless we have to. This world has turned against us and want us gone, you my daughter are here to change that. I know this is a burden you shouldn't bare but you're the last hope for our life. Vampires do need to drink blood to live, we do not kill humans we live off of donated blood or animals, but you my child are different. Blood will keep your powers ( on which I will explain soon) stronger, but you do not need blood to stay alive, drinking blood and having the new blood line it will give you a power greater than any human, vampire or valance as my self. You will go on with your human life as you will be battling the vampire life as well. I wanted to join our forces to protect our race, by giving you life I gave you power, protection and unity. Your powers will be strong because your very unique and the only one of your kind. Vampires have mild powers that are strong against humans and other beings but not against one another. There are more creatures than just humans and vampires out their my daughter and you'll soon see. Vamanise (Vamp a nees) are another type of vampires that did not adopt our ways, they kill poor humans and drink their blood. They are a little more powerful then us vampires, they want us dead along with humans my darling. They have to be destroyed, that is what makes you special, my daughter you are much more powerful than them. They will come looking for you because you are a threat, but a promising threat. Vampires will not even touch you, of course humans will not but their will be other beings you face that will take you for a ride you'll have to fight hard but I have faith in you. however, back to your powers, you being unique can do many powers. More than any being, even a valance can do, you can use your eyes for a lot of tasks such as mind reading, powering others to do whatever you want them to do, moving objects and many others I am not even aware of yet because as I said you are the first of your kind. You have strength three times superman could ever imagine, and yes I know who superman is. I maybe over 900 years old but I do keep up with my history. You my daughter I have no idea how long you'll live after your 17th birthday because vampires do not die unless they are torn to pieces and a spell of great words of our gods are recited. You will learn more than I could ever tell you my daughter, there will be people to help you along the way, you'll know by your powers who to trust and not to trust. Be careful my daughter the world around you counts on you rather they know it or not. Be strong and be wonderful, I have always loved you daughter and we will meet soon.

Love always,

Your darling father

Valdar Prime

A father I have never met decided to tell me all this important information my mother left out over the past sixteen years, on my seventh birthday. Happy Birthday to Me. My name is Abbigale and do I have a story for you. My life wasn't what you call complicated, it was more like unbelievable and strange but how it turned out was not what anyone could have ever expected.

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