twenty seven.

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-1 week later-

You woke up and Felix wasn't next to you, but there was a note on your phone.

JYP called and said he was gonna talk to me and Minho, I'll call you when I know something. I love you<3.

"I hope it's good news." You whispered to yourself.

You went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. Afterwards, you changed into some slightly ripped jeans and one of Felix's t-shirts.

You grabbed your things and got an apple from the kitchen, then you made your way to the Kim's house.

"Y/N!" Sujin exclaimed once you walked in.

"Hi, Sujin!" You replied.

"You girls have fun." Mrs. Kim said.

You smiled. "Of course"

You shut the door, you and Sujin going to your car. "What do you want to do today, Sujin?"

"Whatever you think is fun is fine with me!"


You were cut off by your phone ringing as you started your car, and you answered immediately as you saw it was Felix.

"Hi, Lix."

"Y/N! JYP is giving Minho and I another chance to debut!"

"Really? That's so great, I'm so happy for you guys!"

"And it's a chill day, so he said you could come down here and meet everyone, even him."

"I'm definitely coming, and I have Sujin with me."

"Bring her! I want to meet her."

"Okay, we're on our way."

You hung up and backed out of the driveway, heading towards JYP. "Where are we going, Y/N?"

"We're going to JYP."

"Like, the idol place?"

"Yeah." You smiled. "We're going to see my boyfriend and his friends."

"Oh." She shrunk in her seat. "Are they mean?"

"I haven't met all of them, but they seem like very nice people. They won't hurt you, I pinky swear." You said, holding out your pinky.

She linked her pinky with yours and smiled, sitting happily in the passenger seat.

You pulled into the parking lot of JYP and got out. You dug your ID out of your purse and let the door scan it, letting you in.

Felix described how to get to their practice room, and when you were in front of the door, you knocked and let yourself in.

The room went quiet as six boys stared at you, while Chan and Felix gave you a hug, and Sujin never let go of your hand.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N- hey, stop staring at her like that." Felix said.

They all introduced themselves to you very politely, taking their seat on the floor again afterwards.

"It's very nice to meet you all." You smiled, looking back at Sujin and pulling her in front of you. "By the way, this is Sujin."

"Oh my gosh," Felix gushed. "She's adorable!"

"Y/N, I'm scared." Sujin mumbled.

"You have nothing to worry about, look," you started, holding your hand out to Felix, and he took it and kissed it. "See, sweet as can be."

Love For Two; Lee Felix. ✔Where stories live. Discover now