Chapter One: Hero Charger Replica

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Requested by -LuigiPizza-

(Vid's not mine, listen to it while you read this, this is in that long period in between Skye getting kicked out and Skye proposing)
Spicy Calamari Inkantation plays in the background. Peach grabs her Splat Roller and goes into the lobby.

"Oh! Skye's playing! I should join her!" Peach exclaims, before entering Skye's match.

Skye smiles, before exclaiming to Peach to "Get over here!"

Peach and Skye sat together, and Skye introduced her to Robin.
"Robin, this is Peach. She and I have been friends for a long time. Peach, this is Robin. She's my girlfriend."

Before Peach has a chance to respond, another girl walks in.
"Luna! Hey! Over here!" Robin yells to her. (Agent 3 lezzgo)
"Oh, and this is Luna!" Skye exclaimed. Then the match began. Luna, Peach, Skye, and Robin somehow ended up on the same team. Peach went off inking turf, Skye was a roller assassin, Robin was sniping with the Hero Charger Replica, and Luna took her Hero Shot and started shooting.
"Princess! Behind you!" Robin yells, just as Skye jumps up and splats her attacker and then continues inking turf.
"Babe, I can splat enemies just fine." Skye says, with a smirk you can hear in her voice.
"Get a room you two!" Luna screams through the comm.
"Who got splatted?!" Skye screamed
"Me..." Peach yelled from the spawn.
Peach super-jumped to Skye and they ended up taking the enemy's spawn. The turf war ended and their team was victorious.
"Whoo! Girl Power! Ink-a-zig-ah!" Skye screamed, as she tackled Peach in a hug.
Robin felt a flare in her chest. What is this feeling, so sudden and new.
...She shouldn't have let Skye and Luna show her old human musicals.
Is this... Jealousy? She walks over to them, and feels an overwhelming urge to kiss Skye. She does.
Luna cackles. "I've said it once, and I've said it again. Get a room."
"Ugh" Robin whispers after breaking away. "I love kissing you but I hate bending down to do it"
Skye giggles and walks away. "I need to head to Ammo Knights. I'll see you soon."
Peach walks over to her. "Could I come with you? I need to go to Headspace anyway."
"Sure! Let's go!" Skye says to Peach.
They walk out. Robin crosses her arms.
"Uh oh. Trouble in paradise?" Luna teases.
"Three?" Robin asks
"Shut up." Robin says
"Okay! I'll stop teasing, but if you're jealous, you need to talk to her. You and I both know that relationships don't work out without talking." Luna lectures.
"...Why do you always have to be right?"

Robin walks over to Ammo Knights. She's got water lillies and a plan. The plan? Actually talk and tell Skye what's going on.

Everything does not go according to plan. For one, The Squid Sisters and Off the Hook are with her. For another, a guy's trying to flirt with her. And lastly, she's this close to splatting him and Marie's trying to get her to stop. (He's not worth it!)

"Okay... this is not going to end well. At all." Marina whispers to Robin when she noticed she was there.
"I'm gonna splat him." Robin mutters
"Please don't encourage your girlfriend." Marina says.
Eventually Skye has had enough and just throws ink on him till he collapses.
"Ughhhhhhh" she yells, and collapses into squid form.
"Princess, you okay?"
Skye closes her eyes and falls asleep.

A few hours later, Robin picked her up and brought her home, and Skye has woken up. Robin finally gets to have the conversation.
"Princess, I'm jealous. I know it's petty and dumb, but I'm jealous. And I don't know how to stop it."
"Babe, is that what you've been on about? Everyone gets jealous. You need to trust me. And now that you've told me, can you be quiet? I'm trying to go back to sleep.
"Love you too, Princess."
Skye throws a pillow at Robin's face.
"Sleep. Now." And Skye buries her face in the other pillow.

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