Safe and sound

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Grey starred at Juvia. Her beautiful eyes gazing in to his gave him a wierd tingerling feeling.

"I love you, grey!" Juvia said staring at him.

Grey looked at here stunned. He wondered how she could speck with her mouth covered. the ice quickly covered her intire body.

"JUVIA, NOO!" Grey shouted.

She slowly started sinking but Grey grabbed her and pulled pulled her up. he then realised that she had chains holding her down. what can I do? he thought to her self.

"Grey, Juvia!" called Erza.

The group had entered the clearing where the lake was. they couldn't see them thanks to the spell.

"Where are you?" asked levy.

"I'm here can't you see me?!" shouted Grey.

He could clearly see them but they didn't respond.

"I thought I heard something, it sounded a bit like the whinny ice princess!" said Natsu.

"Natsu do not fight with Grey! Ok let's see you can hear them thanks to your hearing and Gajeel's not paying attention so that means where under a spell! Levy, please finish up your conversation with Gajeel and figure out a counter spell!" demanded Erza looking at the pair sitting next to each other all lovey dovey.

"Aye sir!" called Natsu and Levy in unison.

"Right so either we're under a spell or this area is under a spell! so let's see... it's the area! so put this character here and add this part to it and... got it!" Shouted Levy casting the spell.

The group stared at grey who was trying to pull Juvia out of the water.

"Thank god your safe!" shouted Erza slicing the chain.

She then realised that Juvia was covered in ice. she also noticed the tears in Grey's eyes.

"We're to late." said Grey as a tear fell from his face.

The group fell to the ground.

"Can you break the ice?" asked Erza.

"No, she is the ice. I lost her... just like ur... and it's all my fault AGAIN!" Shouted Grey smacking the ground with his fist.

The rest sat there in silence. sum crying, sum just upset.

"I'll be back soon..." said Grey walking into the forest with Juvia's body in his arms.

He was far enough away so the others couldn't here him.

"Juvia I'm sorry... if had of got here quicker... I didn't even get to reply to you... Juvia I love you!" Grey said leaning down.

He's lips met her frozen lips. he stayed there hoping that she'd came back, he wanted it to last forever. Suddenly the lips turned soft and returned his kiss. He's eyes widened. There eyes met once more. they slowly closed there eyes, turning it into a passionate kiss. Grey lifted her up so she wasn't lying down. they slowly pulled away.

"I'm so glad your safe!" grey said. "I love you Juvia! I promise to protect you forever! I'll never let anything happen to you again!"

"Grey! thank you!" Juvia said giving him a hug.

"I thought I heard you! guys there alright!" shouted Natsu.

Grey and Juvia quickly pulled away and stood up blushing.

"Juvia I'm so glad your alright!" shouted Lucy and Wendy in unison giving her a giant hug.

"Lucy Juvia's sorry but Grey is Juvia's now!" said Juvia.

"WHAT!" Shouted everyone.

"Oops! sorry Grey sama." said Juvia.

"Well putting that aside, we still need to..." Erza began till Natsu cut her off.


"Hehehe, sorry Guys that was us!" called to very formula girl voices.

Mirajane and Mavis appeared out of no where.

"WHAT!" Shouted everyone In unison. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Grey continued.

"Gomine, gomine, the guild cough* (Mirajane) cough* was bored of Juvia's undying love going to waste so me and Mavis planed this, the guild master agreed, cough *(when he was drunk) cough* so we put it in to action and this was the out come. I think it went pretty well! well see ya!" Shouted Mirajane disappearing along with Mavis.

"You have to be kidding!" shouted Grey.

"Well I guess it's time to go home!" commanded Erza.

"Grey, I hurt my legs so could you please carry me?" pleaded Juvia.

"Sure, anything for you!" he replied lifting Juvia bridal style, he then planted a kiss on her forehead. "let's go!"

The group set off for the guild, to there surprise it took one hour to get back and all there obsticals had vanished.

When they got back to the guild...

I hope you enjoyed. one more chapter to go! :( oh well everything eventually ends... the last chapter is dedicated to


Thanks for reading hope you liked it!

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