my dream Sunday 21.04.2019

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I was within a group of people I've never seen before.
We were running into a huuuge building but stayed at the first floor.
Someone gave (shoved) a key to me and told me to lock the door.( I had no idea what was going on)

The doors were heavy and placing in the key was harder( Because u have to hold the door shut the same time)
In the building was two separate hallway's leading to different rooms.

I was led into the kitchen and found some oddly shaped flashlights.(only two)
I followed into a room next to the front door.
A room with about twelve people two which were elderlies.
I gave one of of the flashlights I had to them.

The room was big with a massive couch, a long dinning room table and a door in the frontward left corner with no door.
I sat on the couch trying to process on what's going on. Hearing everyone wispering to each other.
Until..... everyone was quiet ,didn't move, scared about a creaking sound from the front door.
I look over to see it wide open.

All the younger kids kept saying "were gonna die!!, were gonna die!!"  over and over.wispering
An older man ( about in his twenties ) and said "everything is going to be ok?!"
Everyone stared at the black figure rising behind him... But once it touched him, tentical like creatures wrapped
around him as both disappear.

One girl tried running away, but disappeared as the the creatures dragged her away.

The figure pointed to me, asking my name.
(The look of that thing scared me to the bone)
A hole in it's chest, half of it's face was melted off with teeth unimagnaly sharp.

I told the creature my name.
Then it gave me worded instructions
•stand up
•look at me
•and go sit at the table

I did as told and sat at the table,laying my head down closing my eyes.
Another girl said how her love will revenge her, before the creature tore her apart.
I listened as it killed almost everyone....
I waited for the screaming to die out....
The last one living asked the hellish creature who or what it was.
That thing said it's last sentence before I woke up
I'm the godmother!!!¡¡¡

something strange is happening hereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora