Chapter 3: The ralth of Jocelyn

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  • Dedicated to Brooklyn George

Chapter: 3

Clary's P.O.V

        As we headed back to my house Isabelle is the one to break the silence by saying "Well i dont know about you guys but I think i'm going to send that video of Clary to every one in my contacs. she says with a smirk. that gets everyones attention and we all look at her like shes crazy."What it not like your going to die if everyone sees Clary teach that little bitch a lesson is it?" she asked out of pure curiousty.

        I cant help but laugh at Izzy's pure curiousty I decide to awnser her question "No it wouldn't but if my mom or Luke I would be in some big shit and plus I don't think you want to deal with the ralth of my mom Izzy do you?" she takes a moment to think and then awser me " It doesn't matter what your mom thinks Kylie got what was coming don't you want to rub it in her face?" I look at Jace for his opinion but he just shrugs his sholders and keeps on wallking. "I guess your right  she did deserve it and it would be fun to rub it in her face and hey if i get in trouble so what" I say with a hint of a smirk. After I said that i heard her press send and i place a fake smile to look like i'm excited when really I'm nervous as hell. Shit i already regret that and i have freaking butterflys in my stomache. I drop Izzy,Jace and Alec off at the instatuite. It doesn't take long to get to my house. Ready i ask myself and with that i open the door  I walk into the door way and there stood my mother and like i guessed she looks pissed.

        "Hi mom"I say a little nervous i can hear the unsterdyness of my voice."Clarissa sit down" say Jocelyn she gestured to the couch. I walk to the small grey sofa and sit down all i can think about is oh shit she used my full name im in deep shit as I'm in deep thought  the phone rings out of no were an i jump ten feet off the sofa. Jocelyn looks back a the phone and then at me "I'll be back to talk to you after I awnser the phone you stay there" she says and turns around and walk into the kitchen and starts talking on the phone. I listen to Jocelyn talk on the phone  after a few minutes later she comes back from the kitchen. as she comes into our small living room and sits on a matching grey chair and looks at me. Not realizing she had started to talk in tell she shouts at me "Clarissa Adele Fairchild are you listing to anyting I'm saying." she says " Yes" is all I say "Good Clary I am very disapointed in you i thught i taught you better to get in fights with other people and then send the video to everyone you know." She said I could tell she was disapointed and i hate when my mom is disapointe .

"You did teach me but she did deseverd it and i just snaped" i say defensavly she sighs at what i just said " She may have diserved it doesn't mean it was the right thing Clary and fairys do that just to get on your nerenves" Jocelyn says that caushally. Then she looks at the clock and at me "Dont' you have training with Jace this evening?" she askes me I look at the clock now and realize I'm late "Shit I do!" i say out loud she looks at me surprized I said that but instead of giving me crap she says "Well you best be on your way" with that i rush upstairs get ready and out the do i go.

Hey guys Brooke-lyn here sorry i having been updating bad wrighters block and then trying to figaur out what to wright and then trying to find a editor for my wrighting which I did btw @Omnomo1432 which hopfully will help atract readers :).   You guys should check out her books too btw they're really good well let me know what you think of the chapter plzz tell me some flaws you think i have mad and I will try to fix them and give me some ideas. P.S All right go to Casandra Clare



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