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"What the hell is your problem, mate?" I said throwing my hands up in the air once we were inside my house. "Huh? Why did you do that?"

"I didn't tell you to lie." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, but..." i trailed off knowing he was half right.

"But nothing."

"No! But something! You gripped onto my leg." I started to take off my pants and there it was, red marks with some blood oozing out where he had clawed his nails into me. "Explain that!"

"Niall. I want what's best for you and-"

"No! You want what's best for you! Because what's best for me is Zayn." I said my voice cracking at his name. To be brutally honest he was, but after today I don't think he would want anything to do with me. I have to make this right even if I ended up in jail for lying to the judge.

"Maybe, but you heard him. He hates you and he's gonna come back to kill you and knowing him it will be sooner than you think."

"He wouldn't." I said as if I was so sure, but I knew I was only hoping he wouldnt.

"He blantaly stated he didn't love you anymore the moment you lied, Niall. He's gonna come find you. I mean he escaped jail and jail is a place that is very hard to escape from and if he can do that imagine what he can do to escape the asylum. And if there's one thing I know to be true is that he does what this Zek guy tells him to. Seeing as how he's killed so many people. And Zek runs along side Zayn so if Zayn hates you and Zek tells him to kill you. Guess whos dying?"

I gulped before answering a question I didn't think i'd ever be answering , "Me."

"See, I'm glad you understand now."

I sighed sadly and waved him off as I headed up to my room. The room fantly smelling of Zayn. His clothes still in the closet. I grabbed one of his sweaters and put it on, laying down on the bed and for what felt like the millionth time, crying.

I closed my eyes hoping that the pain I felt would go away, though I doubt it, I really did love Zayn, despite the fact we were only together for a little while.

"Baby." I heard from next to me and I was tempted to open my eyes but I didn't want to wake up and find out he wasnt really there. "Niall." He said a bit sharper. "Babbby." He whined.

"What?" I mumbled.

"You should run." He said and I could hear the smirk he was wearing in his voice.

My eyes opened and there he was, bloody shirt and knife in hand. "Zayn." I said pleadingly.

"You did this to yourself. I loved you! And you fucking lied!"

"You don't understand L-"

"I understand pretty well. You were scared of me. Scared that I was going to hurt you but I told you I would never hurt you... because I loved you. But now that I don't love you I can fucking kill you." He said the last sentence through gritted teeth. His arm went up and he stared directly into my eyes.

"You said run." I whispered.

"And I meant away from me." He said softly before he plunged the knife into my leg. My screams filling the whole house. He took it out and held it to my neck. "I hate you so much." He said, his voice cracking at the word hate.

"You're lying." I said gripping onto my leg to stop it from bleeding -at least for a little while.


"If you dont then why dont you just kill me quickly."

"Cause I want you to suffer like I did."

"I'm sorry you did. I still love you Zayn, I swear."

"No you dont." He stabbed my other leg and pulled out the knife quickly. Again me screaming in agonizing pain.

"YES I DO!" I yelled despite the pain that was running through my body.

"Prove it." I held out my hand for him to take and he took it. He straddled my lap and i wrapped my arms around his neck. I stared into his eyes intently and leaned in to kiss him.

"You love me and I love you." I mumbled against his lips, "and you know it." His lips moved and pushed harder against mine.

"I'm so sorry." He said pulling away and whispering in my ear. "But I don't anymore." And thats when he plunged the knife into my heart.

"Niall." He said sadly. "NIALL!" He screamed this time, he was sobbing. "I lied, just like you did, baby." His hands running through my hair and all over my face. "Niall." This time his voice sounded different and  I could feel myself slipping away. My eyes getting heavier. He got off of me and pulled out the knife. "Niall." He said one last time.

"Niall?" the voice was faint, faraway.

"Niall!?" My eyes opened and I sat up, I grabbed the closet thing and held it as a weapon. Which so happened to be a sharp pencil. My vision was blurry with tears and I was scared shitless. "Niall?" The door opened I threw the pencil. Though it didnt even hit the person, it hit the wall. "Niall?" It was liam, not Zayn. He walked over to me and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Niall whats wrong? You were screaming?"

"Get. Out." I said through gritted teeth.

"What? Why?"

"GET OUT!" I crawled over to him and started hitting him. "GET OUT!"

"Niall. Whats wrong?"

"GET OUT! GET OUT ! GET OUT ! Get out." I sobbed and he listened, he stood up and left. I grabbed my blanket and snuggled into them, pretending it was Zayn and I was snuggling into his chest. "Promised I'd remeber that I'm yours."


Oops, it was just a dream. Did you know ? ;) I might update this later again ^.^  YAY

Question: Who's your favourite singers. Mines Hozier ♥.♡

Question 2 : how do you think Zayn feels?

Our Loves An Asylum z.h Book 2Where stories live. Discover now