Chapter 27

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   Hesitantly, I kissed him back, not knowing exactly who to trust. When we stopped kissing, I nustled my forehead into the crook of his neck. I cried into his shoulder. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled away from Jace and looked at my phone. Scott's name appeared on the phone. I slowly lifted the phone to my ear. " He...Hello?" I said shakely. " tsk tsk tsk... Baby doll!! No one get away from me. Im Scott. You do know I have guys watching you right?" he says. I hear him chuckle through the phone. I scoff. " You will never hear this from my mouth again so enjoy what you're about to hear. You are such a mother fucker!! I can't believe I trusted your sorry ass!! You're pathetic... " I spit back. Your pathetic. The words keep repeating in my head as the static of the makes my ears ring. I look down at my feet. " Honey bear, you're the bitch here. You have no idea whats going on and you still criticise!! How do you know that I don't have a brother, huh? Oh and what happened to 'cussing isnt a necessity in life'?" he yells. I wince in pain at the sudden outburst. I quickly cut of the line and snap my phone shut. Jace stops the truck at a Quik-Trip. I slide out of the truck and walk towards the building. JUst as im halfway to the door, a buff, thick, burly arm wraps around my waist. The other is occupied by a gun, which is pointed at my head.

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