The Talent Is Spotted

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"Abi" his voice went serious "will you be my girlfriend"my heart missed a beat or two.
"Logan, yes" I said trying to stay calm.
"Wow I didn't think you'd say yes. You know after..." He stared in horror of the memory "I wasn't the nicest to you in year five" he said with a sorry expression on his face.

"Can I tell the girls? They'll keep it a secret if you want" I said feeling a rush of excitement
"Go for it babe. I don't really mind people knowing" he said sounding almost as excited as me.

We got changed and went downstairs holding hands. When the girls saw they almost fell over.

We decided we needed to do a bit of a rap battle as we often did. I usually win because I know 'rap God' by Eminem off by heart.
I used my usual sneaky trick
" Lyrics coming at you with super sonic speed,
Uh, summa lumma drumma lumma,
You assuming I'm a human,
What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm super human,
Inavetive and I'm made of rubber,
So that anything you say is ricocheting off of me,
And it'll glue to you.
I'm devastating more than ever demonstrating,
How to give a mother flipping audience a feeling like it's levitating,
And I know the haters are forever waiting,
for the day that they can say I fell off,
They'll be celebrating,
'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated,
I make elevating music,
You make elevator music" I rapped as loud and fast as I could.
"Abi, you never fail to amaze us with that one verse" Aoife exclaimed.
"No one told me you could spit lyrics that well babe. You need to go on some sort of talent show" Logan told me as he pecked me on the cheek.
"Trust me I'm really bad at rapping. You're just saying that" I said.
This isn't the first time I've been told this. Years ago me and my dad were doing karaoke and I decided to do the rap from 'Timber' he said I had a talent that could make me famous. "And I'm not going on a talent show everyone will laugh at me."

There was a short pause when Anna's King-Charles Spaniel- Glimmer- walked into the room.

I swear too god if the bae and the girls do anything like signing me up for a damn talent show I will kill them.

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