There is No Competition

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He lay in the dark, his mind racing with thoughts of what happened earlier. When he first saw her he thought he must be hallucinating. He had to touch her to make sure she was really there. As soon as his hand met hers there was a rush of electricity that shot through his entire body. The feelings he got at that moment were nothing he’s ever experienced, and it only got worse when he hugged her.

He knows he shouldn’t have done it, especially because of the venue they were in and the people surrounding them, but he couldn’t help it. There was no way he could let her go without holding her. She felt so amazing in his arms, her soft body pressed up against his and her glorious fragrance invading his nostrils. It was better than he’s even imagined.

As soon as he let go there was the worst feeling of void he’s ever had and it was frustrating him greatly. All he wanted to do was continue to hold her for the rest of his life. He’s sure he could have at least attempted it had it not been for the other people around them. He could have dealt with Tobias talking to them, but that comment Regan made pissed him off royally and he didn’t mind letting her know that’s how he was feeling.

Whatever her issues are she needs to get them in check because he refuses to put up with silly bullshit. The whole rest of the day he had nothing to say to her. He was thankful when the other wait staff came in because he would only have to interact with her minimally.

When he looked back at Heaven he knew she was feeling the same way. She caught on to what Regan was doing very quickly. Matter of fact, Heaven stayed away from Regan for the rest of the time she was there which was all the way through lunch service. They don’t really have to communicate with each other, so it wasn’t that difficult. He did see Regan give her a cross look here and there. It took all of his might to keep from saying or doing something.

The last thing he needs to do is mess up his career over someone else’s stupidity, and it was stupid.

A smile crosses his lips when a vision of Heaven enters his mind. He can’t believe how incredibly beautiful she is. She hadn’t changed that much from when they were kids, just a little more mature than she was before. Her face was exquisite and he didn’t mind gazing at it. He knows those brown eyes will have him surrendering to her completely. Not to mention her luscious lips that he wanted to taste so badly just to see if they were as sweet as they looked.

And her body, holy shit it was amazing. She definitely filled out over the years and did so very nicely. Her figure had always been lean, which it still was, but she never had breasts as full as she has now. Nor did she have that firm shapely ass. He couldn’t stop himself from looking at it when she walked away. The way her hips swayed from side to side as she walked put him in a trance. If it wasn’t for Brenden slapping him on the back he would have stayed that way.

She was flawless. He is still trying to get over the fact that she has actually come back to New York and will be working in the same place he does. Never before had he thought his job was difficult until now. He just knows his head is going to be clouded with visions of Heaven. Hopefully it doesn’t interfere with his productivity, but he’s quite sure it will.

If he was able to kiss her just once he would be alright. His dream would become a reality and he’d be able to move forward knowing his life is finally complete.

He could tell she thought about it because there were a couple of times he watched her eyeing his mouth and slowly licking her lips. It was so damn sexy it was difficult not to give in to her. He wanted to, boy did he want to, but he knew he couldn’t at least not right then. Having to wait to get close to her again is going to be excruciating, but he will do it. The last thing he wants to do is ruin any chance he may have with her.

Trying to Get to HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now